Page 35 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 35

1.  Leave  without  pay  shall  be  granted  only  when  it  will  not  adversely  affect  the  interests  of
                      Augusta, Georgia service, except as required by law.

                  2.  Leave  without  pay  under  this  section,  in  the  case  of  illness,  may  be  granted  only  after  an
                      employee's  accrued  Sick  Leave,  Annual  Leave,  and  Family  and  Medical  Leave  have  been

                  3.  Failure of an employee to return to work at the expiration of approved leave shall be considered
                      as absence without leave and grounds for disciplinary action, except when prohibited by law.

                  4.  Any employee who has been granted leave of absence other than FMLA leave and who wishes
                      to return before the leave period has expired shall be required to give his or her Department
                      Director at least a one week notice, except when prohibited by law.  Upon receipt of such written
                      notice, the employee shall be permitted to return to work.
                  5.  An employee will not earn Sick Leave or Annual Leave for the time that such employee is on
                      leave without pay.

                  6.  Except to the extent more is required under FMLA, an employee shall return from leave without
                      pay to the same salary grade as at the time of commencement of leave.

                  7.  Except to the extent more is required under FMLA, an employee returning from a leave of
                      absence without pay shall be entitled to employment in the same department in the same or
                      equivalent class held at the beginning of the leave period.

                  8.  Before beginning a leave of absence without pay, an employee must make arrangements with
                      the  Benefits  Coordinator  in  the  Human  Resources  Department  if  continued  coverage  under
                      Augusta, Georgia group insurance is desired.

                  9.  Any vacancy created by the proper approval of such leave of absence shall not be filled unless
                      the employee concerned is notified that a permanent replacement for the position is required and
                      the employee is given the opportunity to resume his or her position. If this requirement is met
                      and the position filled, the replaced employee shall not have the right or privilege to cause the
                      separation of the new employee. However, the replaced employee will be considered and given
                      priority  for  vacancies  that  occur,  provided  he  is  qualified.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,
                      nothing shall prevent an employee who timely returns from FMLA leave from being restored to
                      the same or equivalent job and shift with the same or equivalent benefits.

                  10. No leave without pay may be granted or required for a period exceeding six (6) months, except
                      as required by law or authorized by the Administrator.  Leave without pay cannot be extended
                      beyond (1) year.

                  11. Any and all Augusta, Georgia property in the possession of an employee who is placed on a
                      leave of absence for more than one (1) month shall be immediately returned to the appropriate
                      department by that employee.

           Section 100.033   Absence without Leave (AWOL)

           The absence of an employee from duty, including absence for a single day or part of a day, that is not
           authorized by a specific grant of leave of absence under the provisions of these regulations shall be deemed
           to be an absence without leave (AWOL). Any such absence shall be without pay and may be cause for
           further disciplinary action.

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