Page 47 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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Resources Management, Law Department, related individuals, and, in certain cases the Augusta, Georgia
           Commission,  may be advised of an investigation, have access  to  case information,  asked questions  in
           relation to allegations, and receive updates and/or final outcomes.

           Section 200.014  Honesty Code

           The  complainant  or  charging  party  must  sign  a  statement  indicating  that  the  allegations  in  the  EEO
           complaint (either verbal or in writing) are honest, true, accurate, and not exaggerated.  When issuing a
           statement or answering questions in connection with an EEO inquiry, an employee must, to the best of their
           knowledge  and  belief,  be  truthful  in  all  of  their  oral  and  written  responses.  Individuals  (including
           complainants, accused parties, employees, administrators, witnesses, managers, supervisors, information
           gatherers, persons submitting data and others) who fail to cooperate with the EEO Office, are found to have
           provided false information, file a frivolous claim, or alter written data in relation to an EEO inquiry or
           investigation will be subject to disciplinary action.

           Section 200.015  Management and Employee Cooperation

           All managers and/or employees connected to Augusta, Georgia are required to: (1) fully cooperate in EEO
           investigations;  (2)  provide  any  information  (written,  e-mailed,  or  oral)  connected  to  an  EEO
           investigation,;(3) make themselves available for questioning within five working days of a request for a
           meeting from the EEO Office (if this is not possible, an alternative date and time should be submitted in
           writing to the EEO Office); and 4) provide truthful and accurate statements to the EEO Office.

           Supervisors should not presume any employee  (either the accused or the complainant) to  be guilty  of
           anything or institute disciplinary actions merely based on a pending EEO charge or case.

           Employees,  managers,  and  Department  Directors  are  encouraged  follow  the  chain-of-command  and
           procedures outlined in this policy in order to resolve any EEO-related concerns.

           Section 200.016  Complaint Closure

           At the conclusion of the investigation, the EEO Office will send its findings to the charging party and the
           accused.  The Department Director of the accused will be issued a letter of findings which may include
           recommendations from the EEO Office.  Generally, the finding will be issued within thirty working days
           after filing a complaint.  However, in some cases, the EEO Office may extend the investigation time period.
           If the period of investigation is extended, all parties will be provided with written notification of the new
           deadline to complete the investigation.  During the investigation period, ongoing mediation and support
           services may be provided by the EEO Office.  Following each investigation, the EEO Office may elect to
           forward additional  recommendations to the Department Director, the Administrator, and/or the Augusta,
           Georgia  Commission  for  consideration.  Recommendations  to  the  Commission  and/or  the  City
           Administrator will be made at the discretion of the EEO Office or at the direction of the Commission.

           Upon approval by the Commission and/or City Administrator, individuals found by the EEO Office to be
           in  violation  of  the  equal  employment  opportunity  policy  shall  be  issued  disciplinary  action  by  the
           Department Director in an amount congruent with the severity of the violation.

           The Department Head or the highest level supervisor over the employee is required to initiate disciplinary
           action within five working days of receiving a written finding and confirmation of an EEO violation and do
           a follow-up letter to advise the EEO Office of the final actions taken at the departmental level.  In cases

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