Page 74 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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Every position shall be placed in the appropriate class before final administrative action can be taken on
appointments, transfers, promotions, changes in pay grade or payment of salary involving the position.
Those positions which are sufficiently similar with regard to duties performed, level of responsibility,
minimum requirements of training, experience, or skills and which merit approximately equal pay shall be
allocated to the same class.
A complete set of written specifications for each job classification including any special entrance
qualifications for particular classes shall be maintained by the Human Resources Department. When new
positions are approved in the budget, the Human Resources department shall create new class specifications
and assign them to an appropriate class.
In order to propose a new position, a Department director shall provide to the Human Resources Director a
job description of the position, a completed Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ), and both current
and proposed organization charts. A field audit and/or oral interview with a department representative shall
be required by the Human Resources Department in order to verify the information provided on the PDQ.
The Human Resources Director or the designee conducts a market analysis of the position to determine
appropriate pay grade and salary range of the position, and then recommends approval to the Administrator
or designee all proposed actions for reclassifications, additions, deletions and reallocations.
All position requisitions except a backfill position (a backfill position is a position that has been declared
vacant due to voluntary or involuntary separation of the incumbent from the position) should be forwarded
to Compensation Administration for review to determine appropriate pay grade and salary range of the
position. A position requisition that is a backfill should not be forwarded to Compensation unless the
position’s duties and responsibilities have changed substantially by fifteen percent (15%) or more.
Supervisors are to certify to the Human Resources Director that there are substantial changes in the position
as mentioned above and that sufficient funding exists to pay for the specific position.
Section 500.207 Procedures and Conditions for the Reallocation of Positions
The Human Resources Director may recommend approval to the Administrator or designee for the
reallocation of existing vacant positions when it is determined that the position is incorrectly allocated. Such
action is called reallocation and must be approved by the Administrator or designee. The Administrator
may reallocate a vacant position when provided with appropriate justification from the Department
Director/Appointing Authority.
Reallocations may occur as the result of the conditions described below:
1. The position was incorrectly allocated initially and there have been no substantial changes in duties;
2. There has been a substantial change in the duties and responsibilities or qualifications associated with
a position since it was allocated to a particular class.
If a position is assigned a higher pay grade than the current classification, such action is considered an
upgrade of the position. If the position is occupied at the time of the upgrade and the incumbent has occupied
that position for a minimum of six (6) months prior to the re-grade, the incumbent may be reclassified
without examination and funding certification has been done by the supervisor, if the employee meets the
minimum qualifications of the new classification.
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