Page 147 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 147



           FOR-CAUSE TEST is requested for:
            Print Employee Name:                                                              Payroll #:

            Department:                                           Job Title

                                                   Physical Signs or Symptoms
             1. Possessing, dispensing, or      8. Loss of physical control, poor    15.  Dilated or constricted
            using prohibited substance.         coordination, unsteady gait.         pupils or unusual eye movement

             2. Slurred or incoherent speech    9. Extreme fatigue or sleeping      16. Excessive sweating or
                                                on the job.                          clamminess of skin
             3. Bloodshot or watery eyes
                                                 10. Flushed or very pale face       17. Shaking hands or body
             4. Odor of alcohol                                                     tremors.
                                                 11. Nausea or vomiting
             5. Odor of Marijuana                                                    18.  Dry mouth
                                                 12. Disheveled appearance or
             6. Runny nose or sores around     out of uniform                        19. Breathing irregularity or
            nostrils.                                                                difficult breathing
                                                 13. Dizziness or fainting
             7. Puncture marks or "tracks"                                           20. Inappropriate wearing of
                                                 14. Highly excited or nervous      sunglasses.

                                                                                      21. Other (describe below)
            3. Has there been a change to the employee's quality and quantity of work?   NO  If so describe:

            4. Has the employee's work relationships changed with fellow employees?   NO  If so, describe:

            5. Does the employee appear to "bring his personal/family problems" to work more than usual?  NO  If so,

            6. Have you noticed any recent changes in personality, moods, or behavior?  NO  If so, describe:

           FORM SA-4                                                                                 Page 1 of 2

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