Page 147 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 147
FOR-CAUSE TEST is requested for:
Print Employee Name: Payroll #:
Department: Job Title
Physical Signs or Symptoms
1. Possessing, dispensing, or 8. Loss of physical control, poor 15. Dilated or constricted
using prohibited substance. coordination, unsteady gait. pupils or unusual eye movement
2. Slurred or incoherent speech 9. Extreme fatigue or sleeping 16. Excessive sweating or
on the job. clamminess of skin
3. Bloodshot or watery eyes
10. Flushed or very pale face 17. Shaking hands or body
4. Odor of alcohol tremors.
11. Nausea or vomiting
5. Odor of Marijuana 18. Dry mouth
12. Disheveled appearance or
6. Runny nose or sores around out of uniform 19. Breathing irregularity or
nostrils. difficult breathing
13. Dizziness or fainting
7. Puncture marks or "tracks" 20. Inappropriate wearing of
14. Highly excited or nervous sunglasses.
21. Other (describe below)
3. Has there been a change to the employee's quality and quantity of work? NO If so describe:
4. Has the employee's work relationships changed with fellow employees? NO If so, describe:
5. Does the employee appear to "bring his personal/family problems" to work more than usual? NO If so,
6. Have you noticed any recent changes in personality, moods, or behavior? NO If so, describe:
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