Page 150 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 150

Collection Procedures Check List

      Employee Last Name: ______________ First Name__________ Employee number: _________
                                                         PLEASE READ!!!!
            In an effort to provide the best protection possible for each employee and the collection agent, this checklist is being provided for
            use with each collection. Your participation is required to ensure that each step of the collection process is completed to standard.
            You will be required to initial each block by the procedure you were involved in. Your initials signify that the procedure was
            completed properly. If there is any deviation of procedures you should make a note at the bottom of the sheet and sign your name.
            Designated Employer Representative is Sandy Wright, Risk Management…direct any questions of concerns to the DER.
              #    Procedure                                                                       Collector   Donor
              1    Prepare collection site; ensure coloring agent present in commode.
              2    Verify identity of employee with picture ID.
              3    Prepare Top section of Chain of Custody form: (donor ID, reason for test)
              4    If required: ask donor to remove bulky or unnecessary items (exterior clothing, store in
                   secure area.
              5    Employee washes hands and returns to the collector.
              6    Collector gives (sealed collection bottle) or lets donor pick (non-sealed collection
                   bottle). NOTE: only one collection container allowed in the rest room.
              7    Employee/donor provides urine sample in the collection container and immediately
                   provides the container to the collector. (Note: do not flush the commode until told to
                   do so)
              8    Collector annotates the temperature on the Chain of Custody form and insures there is
                   at least 45 ml. If the temperature is outside the acceptable range follow the procedures
                   of SAMSHA.
              9    Donor observes the splitting of the sample and sealing.
             10    Collector splits the sample, writes the date on the labels/seals and seals the containers
                   (In the presence of the donor).
             11    Donor initials security seal.
             12    Donor flushes the commode and washes hands.
             13    Donor reads the certification statement of the Chain of Custody form and signs the
             14    Collector completes the Chain of Custody form and provides copy  to the
            Collector Comments:

                                                      Employee Comments:

     I certify that the above procedures were satisfactorily completed and that any questions concerning the procedure by
     the employee were satisfied at the time of the collection. I also state that I was given the opportunity to write
     comments concerning any aspect of the collection process.

      __________________________________    _____________    ____________________________________
                 (Signature of Collector)                        (Date)                             (Signature of Employee)

     NOTE:  This form is an internal document for use by Augusta, Georgia Risk Management and is not required by DOT/FTA

     FORM SA-6

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