Page 111 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 111

f)  Promotion and Transfer Probation - Individuals promoted, advanced, or transferred will serve
                  on a probationary basis for twelve (12) months from the effective date of promotion or transfer. If,
                  during the probation period, it is determined that the individual cannot adequately perform the
                  position, that employee will be returned to his or her previous position if that position has not been
                  filled. If that position has been filled, the employee will be placed in another available vacant
                  position for which he or she is qualified. If no positions are available, the employee will be laid

           Section 800.020 Probation Periods

           No employee shall have a property interest in his or her position during any probationary period. During
           any probationary period, the employee may be terminated or returned to his or her previous position without

               a)  Duration - The probationary period shall be twelve (12) months in duration.

               b)  Promotional and Transfer Probation - The probationary period shall be used in connection with
                  promotions in the same manner as it is used for new hires.

               c)  Interruption of Probationary Period - If an employee is laid off during a probationary period and
                  such person is subsequently re-appointed in the same department, he or she may be given credit for
                  the portion of the probationary period completed before they are laid off.

               d)  Probationary  Period  Reports  -  Probationary  performance  evaluations  are  conducted  by  the
                  employee's  immediate  supervisor  or  Department  Director.  Probationary  employees  will  be
                  evaluated quarterly during the probationary period. The Department Director shall notify Human
                  Resources in writing as to whether or not the employee successfully completes their probationary

               e)  Extension of Probationary Period - If a new, promoted, or transferred employee is performing
                  marginally or appears unsuited to the job, the Department Director should discuss the situation with
                  the HR Director before the expiration of the probationary period. The probationary period may be
                  extended initially for up to ninety (90) additional calendar days with the approval of the HR Director.
                  An additional ninety day extension may be granted at the request of the Department Director in
                  writing prior to the end of the original ninety (90) day period, specifying the reason for the request.
                  The employee must be advised of each extension and the reason(s) for it.

           Section 800.021   New Employee Orientation

           All new hires are required to attend a mandatory (2) day New Employee Orientation class prior to reporting
           to  their  department.  New  employee  orientation  is  conducted  the  first  Monday  of  a  pay  period  at  the
           designated location.  The first day of this program begins at 8:00 AM and concludes at approximately 5:00
           PM.  The second day will begin at 9:00 AM and conclude at approximately 12:00 PM.  HR will notify new
           employees of the date that they will be attending orientation and will provide directions, if needed.

           The Human Resources Department tracks orientation attendance.  Departments will be notified by a
           memorandum from the HR Director or his/her designee if employees fail to complete the orientation in
           the time frame indicated.
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