Page 116 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 116
Section 800.027 Layoff/Reduction in Force (RIF)
Employee Selection
Any involuntary separation not related to an employee's conduct shall constitute a lay-off or reduction in
force (RIF).
1) Reasons for Layoff - Any employee may be laid off because of shortage of funds or work, abolishment
of the position, material changes in the employee's job duties or organization of the employee's
department, economic conditions or related reasons beyond the employer's or the employee's control
which do not reflect dissatisfaction with the service of the Employee. The duties previously performed
by any laid-off employee may be reassigned to other employees holding positions in appropriate classes.
2) Notice to Department Director - Whenever the lay-off of any employee shall become necessary, the
Augusta, Georgia Commission shall direct the Administrator to and the Administrator shall notify the
Department Director at least sixty (60) calendar days in advance of the intended action of the necessity
for such lay-off and the reasons therefore. The Department Director shall there upon furnish to the
Director of Human Resources the names and job titles of the employees to be laid off, the reason each
person was selected, and the order in which such layoff shall be effected.
3) Order of Layoff - Should it become necessary to reduce the number of employees within a given class
in any department, such employees shall be laid off on the basis of the following three factors to be
weighted equally - length of service in class, length of service with the government, and performance
evaluations for the last three years – as these factors are defined and accounted for in the Standard
Operating Procedure for Reduction in Force Selection for Employees within a given class in any
department (a copy of this SOP is available for review in the Human Resources Department).
4) Special Cases - Should a Department Director determine that the retention of a certain employee is
essential to the effective operation of the department because of the fact that such employee possesses
special skills or ability, and should the Department Director wish to retain such employee in preference
to another with a higher rating, then the Department Director shall submit a written request to the
Director of Human Resources. Such notification shall set forth in detail the specific skills and abilities
possessed by the employee and the reasons why such employee is essential to the effective operation of
the department. With the approval of the Administrator, the individual may be retained.
5) Notice to Employees - Regular employees to be laid off shall be notified in writing by the Director of
Human Resources at 60 calendar days prior to the effective date of the layoff.
Layoff Status
Employees shall be recalled in the reverse order of their layoff, but they shall retain their eligibility to be
placed on the Reemployment Priority List (RPL) for that class in their former department or for higher
classes. Employees who are on layoff, if assigned to the same or a higher class than that class previously
held, shall lose all recall rights to the position vacated because of the layoff and shall have their names
removed from the Reemployment Priority List if they refuse to accept an offered position.
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