Page 118 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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should be forwarded to the Human Resources Department immediately to avoid unauthorized
charges against Augusta, Georgia's account.
Section 800.029 Personal Information and Personnel Records
Confidentiality - Subject to the provisions of the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A.50-18-70) and
other federal and laws, employee personnel records covered under these policies and procedures and all
other records and materials relating to the administration of the personnel system shall be considered
confidential and the property of Augusta, Georgia. Information that is obtained in the course of official
duties shall not be released by an employee charged with this responsibility as part of official duties except
as required by law.
Personnel Transactions - All appointments, separations, and other personnel transactions shall be recorded
on forms provided by the Human Resources Department. A separate file folder shall be prepared and
maintained for each employee and shall contain the original or a copy of all pertinent documents. All
medical information shall be maintained separately from the employee personnel files and kept confidential.
Public Inspection - All personnel records shall be subject to public inspections as required by the Georgia
Open Records Act and other federal and state laws. The following information relative to employees and
former employees shall be accessible to the Human Resources Director, the Board of Commissioners, the
Department Director(s) and supervisor(s) concerned, the Civil Service Commission, and the employee
involved: classification or job title and salary; selection records; and performance rating reports. Other
personnel information may be made available for official purposes at the discretion of the Human Resources
Destruction of Records - Employee service records shall be kept in accordance with federal and state laws
and regulations regarding retention schedules after termination of employment.
Attendance Records - Regular attendance reports shall be prepared and submitted by each Department
Director as required by the Director of Human Resources and in the form designate by the Director of
Human Resources.
Section 800.030 Access to Personnel Files
Augusta, Georgia maintains a personnel file on each employee. The personnel file includes such
information as the employee's job application, resume, records of training, documentation of performance
appraisals, salary increases, and other employment records.
Personnel files are the property of Augusta, Georgia, and access to the information they contain is restricted.
Generally, only supervisors and management personnel of Augusta, Georgia who have a legitimate reason
to review information in a file are allowed to do so.
Employees who wish to review their own file should contact the Human Resources Department. With
reasonable advance notice, employees may review their own personnel files in the Human Resources
Department and in the presence of an individual appointed by Human Resources to maintain the files.
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