Page 117 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 117
Employees laid off or demoted because of a layoff shall be recalled from layoff or demotion from the RPL
for which they have qualified on the basis of their seniority when positions in those classes become
available. However, such recall rights shall not extend beyond two (2) years from the effective date of
layoff or demotion. If employees refuse to accept those positions affected, they shall lose all rights to those
positions. An employee not re-employed within two (2) year from the effective date of such layoff shall
lose all recall rights.
Bridging of Service
For any layoff not exceeding a one (1) year period, those regular employees will be given an adjusted
service computation date (SCD) to adjust for the period of layoff upon their reinstatement.
Section 800.028 Employee Exit Interview
Prior to the last day of employment, the Supervisor or employee should schedule an appointment to conduct
an exit interview with the Human Resources Department prior to the last day of employment. Temporary
employees do not participate in the Exit Interview process unless information can be gained which will
improve or enhance present employment conditions.
1) The Exit Interview shall be maintained separately from the Employee's official personnel file.
2) The Human Resources Department is notified of the Employee's separation date via department
memo or Employee letter of resignation.
3) Employees shall receive pay for work performed through the last hour worked and for unused
benefits as stipulated by policy and laws governing such payments.
4) Termination pay shall be reduced by any authorized legal deductions, credit union, United Way, and
any other amounts specifically agreed upon orally or in writing by the Employee and Augusta,
5) All Augusta, Georgia property must be returned before the final paycheck is given to the Employee.
The terminating Employee is responsible for ensuring all paperwork has been completed. Failure
by the terminating Employee to properly exit may result in delay of receipt of the final paycheck.
6) The official date of termination will be the last full day the Employee reports for work.
7) Benefits continue according to the benefits deduction schedule. A benefits representative will
discuss options to continue medical, life, dental and supplemental products after termination of
8) Forms to request Retirement or Deferred Compensation refunds, if any, are available in the Human
Resources Department or on vendor website.
9) All claims for unemployment compensation as filed by a terminating Employee shall be processed
by the Human Resources Department. Requests for information about unemployment compensation
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