Page 165 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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Section 1000.107  Reporting Driving Citations/Violations

               A.  All employees whose job requires they  drive Augusta, Georgia vehicles are required to report
                   any and all traffic/moving vehicle violations to their supervisor, regardless of whether the citation
                   was  issued in the course of employment or not.
                   1.  Employees whose licenses are suspended will not be allowed to drive Augusta, Georgia
                       vehicles while their licenses are suspended.
                   2.  Employees are not allowed to operate an Augusta, Georgia vehicle while in possession of a
                       temporary driving permit, i.e. court issued driving permit for the purpose of driving to and
                       from work, etc.
                   3.  Employees hired as drivers (primary job duty) and whose license has been suspended may be
                       subject to termination for loss of job qualifications. (See Personnel Policy).
                   4.  Employees who drive Augusta, Georgia vehicles, who have a suspended license and fail to
                       report the suspension, will be subject to termination for their failure to advise Augusta,
                       Georgia of their invalid license status

            Section 1000.108  Motor Vehicle Records Check

               A.  Potential Employees -  Persons applying for a position requiring the driving of Augusta, Georgia
                   owned vehicles (any position which requires the applicant to drive an Augusta, Georgia vehicle
                   as a major function of his or her job) will be required to sign a release allowing Augusta, Georgia
                   to run a seven (7) year driving history at the time of job offer if a resident of Georgia  If not a
                   resident of Georgia then the applicant will need to provide this record from the state of residency
                   of the potential new hire. Potential employees who fail to provide the required records check or
                   who refuse to sign a release for such records will not be considered qualified.  See Addendum
                   MVR Review Form for evaluation criteria.
               B.  Employees whose license is suspended for traffic violations or Driving Under the Influence
                   (DUI), and whose job requires they drive an Augusta, Georgia vehicle may be terminated for
                   failure to perform job responsibilities.
               C.  Any employee who is subject to drive an Augusta, Georgia vehicle may have a three (3) year
                   Motor  Vehicle  Records  check  directed/requested  as  a  condition  of  employment.  Only
                   Department  Directors, Attorneys  of the Law Department,  Safety  Review Committee, Risk
                   Management Committee, Risk Management Director or Assistant Director, or Augusta, Georgia
                   Administrator can direct the check.
               D.  A Motor Vehicle Records Review Form (See Addendum MR-MVR-RF) will be completed for
                   any employee or potential employee subjected to a Motor Vehicle Records Check.  The following
                   standards will be applied to the results of the MVR Review Form:
                   1.  Unacceptable: Termination of Augusta, Georgia driving privileges;
                   2.  Questionable: Probation of Augusta, Georgia driving privileges and attendance at mandatory
                       driver training with testing;  Any further violations while on probation status can result in
                       potential termination of Augusta, Georgia driving privileges.
                   3.  Marginal: Augusta, Georgia driving privileges are maintained with the stipulation that they
                       attend mandatory driver training to include testing . Any future violations, depending on the
                       MVR Review Form score will/can result in potential probation or termination of Augusta,
                       Georgia driving privileges.
                   4.  Acceptable: Augusta, Georgia driving privileges maintained; and
                   5.  Adjustments: If a potential employee has not had a serious violation within three (3) years of
                       the MVR Review Form scoring, subtract three (3) points from the MVR Review Form score
                       for good behavior and apply the appropriate standard as described above.

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