Page 170 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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c. Employee Passengers - List by name and department the Augusta, Georgia
passengers involved in the accident. In the boxes provided indicate whether they were
injured and/or transported by ambulance.
d. Conditions - Check the appropriate box/line for the conditions that were present at the
time of the accident.
i. Any claim of mechanical failure as a contributing factor to the accident will be
immediately report to Fleet Management and Risk Management.
e. Accident Description - Describe the accident in detail. Make sure you answer the
following questions when describing the accident - Who, What, When, Where, How,
Why. If more space is needed continue on a blank page. Pictures or a drawing is
Section 1000.118 Exceptions to Fleet Accident Report
Any Augusta, Georgia vehicle involved in an accident which results in a law enforcement officer filling
out a Georgia Motor Vehicle Accident report will not be required to have a Fleet Accident Report
Section 1000.119 Witness Statements
A. Written statements will be obtained from the employee driver and any Augusta, Georgia
employee involved in the accident, as a minimum.
B. Prior to submitting the witness statement with the report, it will be reviewed for completeness.
Critical elements which should be answered in the statement are - Who, What, When, Where,
C. Fleet Accident Reports are administrative investigations and as such employees involved are
obligated to cooperate in the investigation.
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