Page 182 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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Section 1000.601 Purpose
A. The Workers Compensation policy is established to provide procedures, guidance and
information for the medical care of employees who are injured "in the course of their
employment". All aspects of Workers Compensation are governed as a matter of Georgia law.
B. The purpose of this policy is to provide to all Augusta, Georgia employees a guideline relating to
the administration of Workers' Compensation benefits, and to outline their obligation under the
Georgia State Workers' Compensation law.
C. Nothing in this policy shall or is intended to conflict with the Georgia State Workers'
Compensation law. In the event any information of this policy is in conflict with the law the law
prevails. Any questions of the application of the Worker's Compensation Law or interpretation
of this policy shall be immediately addressed to Risk Management.
Section 1000.602 General
A. By law the Augusta, Georgia is required to provide Workers' Compensation benefits to its
employees. Augusta, Georgia has elected to Self-insure this program.
B. Program administration is the responsibility of Risk Management who may use the services of an
independent claim handling Service.
C. It is the INTENT of the Augusta, Georgia to comply in all regards with the Worker's
Compensation law of the State of Georgia.
D. Any employee involved in an accident which results in him or her requiring and/or receiving
medical treatment for injuries will be tested for illegal substances.
Section 1000.603 Definitions
A. WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW - The State of Georgia law that requires that Augusta,
Georgia provide and pay certain benefits on behalf of or to an employee - who is injured by an
accident which arises out of or during the course of his or her employment, or who suffers an
occupational disease as defined in the law.
B. EMPLOYEE - Any individual (other than elected officials and employees of Independent Service
Contractors) employed by the Augusta, Georgia. This includes - full-time employees, part-time
employees and temporary employees hired and paid directly by the Augusta, Georgia.
C. COMPENSABLE INJURY OR DISEASE - Any injury by accident which arises out of or during
the course of employment or an occupational disease as defined in the State of Georgia Workers'
Compensation Law.
1. Benefits as defined in the Workers' Compensation Law which pay for lost income and
medical services directly resulting from a compensable injury or disease.
a. The first seven calendar days are not payable unless the employee is out over twenty-
one calendar days. If available, accrued leave will be used for the first seven days.
b. Two thirds of the employees' average gross wages will be paid up to maximum benefit
per week as allowable by State law.
c. Compensation for certain line-of-duty injuries of law enforcement officers, firemen,
and employees of the corrections department will be in accordance with the
Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.
E. DISABILITY - The inability of an injured employee to return to suitable work which is a direct
result of his or her compensable injury or disease and is supported by an authorized treating
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