Page 184 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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2. Make recommendation and/or approve any additions to or changes related to the panel of
authorized physicians.
3. Make recommendations and/or approve any additions to or changes of the Policy and
Procedure Manual.
4. Is the only approving authority for medical treatment covered under Workers
Section 1000.605 Emergency Procedures
A. Supervisors
1. Seek immediate medical services for the injured employee.
2. Inform the emergency room staff that the injured employee is an Augusta, Georgia
employee and request that follow-up care be referred to a panel physician after emergency
treatment has been performed.
3. Inform the department head and Risk Management of the accident as soon as possible and
complete and file an accident investigation report within 24 hours.
Section 1000.606 Non-Emergency Procedures
A. Employee reports the injury to his or her immediate supervisor as soon as possible but no later
than the end of the day's shift.
B. Supervisor and/or department head assist the employee in receiving medical treatment from a
panel physician, or if appropriate on weekends, holidays or nights from an emergency room.
C. If appropriate the supervisor and/or the department head should accompany the injured employee
to the physician's office or emergency room.
D. Provide the injured employee with an ORDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION
MEDICAL TREATMENT Form RM-WCMT be presented by the employee to the authorized
treating physician. The employee should return the completed form to the supervisor after visiting
the physician.
E. If an employee is referred to a panel physician and then to a specialist for follow-up treatment,
the specialist becomes the authorized treating physician.
Section 1000.607 Clearance to Return to Work
A. For minor injuries treated at an emergency room the employee is expected to return to work as
soon as the treatment has been given.
B. For injuries treated by a panel physician or a referral specialist, the authorized treating physician
will make a medical determination of the employee's return to work status and will give the
employee a written slip to be given by the employee to his supervisor or department head.
Section 1000.608 Workers Comp Temporary Duty Purpose
A. The purpose of the Temporary Duty Program is to temporarily place employees who have
sustained work-related injuries, in positions consistent with the medical restrictions prescribed
by an authorized treating physician. Ideally, the employee will work within his or her own
department. However, it may become necessary to place the employee in another department
or shift to accommodate their medical needs.
B. The goal of the program is to promote psychological recovery and to minimize lost time by
encouraging appropriate levels of activity for injured employees.
C. Risk Management will be responsible for administering the Temporary Duty Program.
All Rights Reserved – As approved by the Commission on 05-07-2019 184 | P a g e