Page 31 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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FMLA leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced work schedule basis. If FMLA leave is taken
           intermittently or on a reduced schedule basis, then Augusta, Georgia may require the employee to transfer
           temporarily to an available alternative position with an equivalent pay rate and benefits, including a part-
           time position, to better accommodate recurring periods of leave due to foreseeable medical treatment Every
           employee is obligated to make a reasonable effort to schedule medical treatment so as not to unduly interrupt
           Augusta, Georgia operations. Any employee who needs an intermittent or reduced schedule leave shall
           submit an application for such leave on a form supplied by Augusta, Georgia at the time described above.
           The employee shall also, within the time limits set forth, furnish Augusta, Georgia with the proper medical
           certification on Form WH-380-E, which will be supplied by Augusta, Georgia, regarding the need for such
           intermittent or reduced schedule leave. As in the case for other FMLA leaves, Augusta, Georgia may require
           a second or third medical certification. Prior to the commencement of any intermittent or reduced schedule
           leave, the employee requesting intermittent or reduced scheduled leave must advise Augusta, Georgia of
           the reasons why the intermittent/reduced scheduled leave is necessary and of the schedule for treatment, if
           applicable. The employee and Augusta, Georgia shall attempt to work out a schedule for such leave that
           meets the employee’s needs without disrupting Augusta, Georgia operations.

           E. Employee Notice Requirement:

           Employees are required to provide Augusta, Georgia with sufficient information to make it aware that the
           employee needs FMLA-qualifying leave, and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Sufficient
           information may include the following: that the employee is unable to perform his or her job functions; that
           the employee’s family member is unable to perform his or her daily activities; that the employee or his or
           her family member must be hospitalized or undergo qualifying continuing treatment; or the circumstances
           supporting the need for military family leave. When an employee seeks leave due to a FMLA-qualifying
           reason for which Augusta, Georgia has previously provided FMLA-protected leave, the employee must
           specifically reference the qualifying reason for the leave and the need for “FMLA” leave.

           If the need for leave is foreseeable, the employee is required to provide such notice to the Human Resources
           Department at least thirty (30) days before the commencement of the leave, unless impracticable to do so
           under the circumstances, in which case notice must be given as soon as possible, generally the same or the
           next business day. The employee also must follow any Augusta, Georgia policy requiring advance notice,
           reasons for leave and anticipated start and duration of the leave. Failure to provide advance notice or follow
           Augusta, Georgia policy when the need for leave is foreseeable may result in delay or denial of FMLA
           leave. If the leave is not foreseeable, the employee must provide notice to Augusta, Georgia of need for
           leave as soon as practicable, and must follow Augusta, Georgia’s normal call-in procedures, as set forth in
           Chapter  1  of  this  Manual.  Failure  to  follow  Augusta,  Georgia’s  call-in  procedures,  absent  unusual
           circumstances, will result in delay or denial of the leave. In case of planned medical treatment for a serious
           health condition, the employee is required to make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment so as not
           to disrupt the operations of Augusta, Georgia.

           Employees are required to give additional notice as soon as practicable whenever there is a change in the
           dates of scheduled leave. Augusta, Georgia requires that the employee’s health care provider complete a
           fitness-for-duty  certification  that  specifically  addresses  whether  the  employee  is  able  to  perform  the
           essential functions of his or her job before the employee can return to work. If Augusta, Georgia has a
           “reasonable  safety  concern,”  it  may  also  require  periodic  fitness-for-duty  certifications  prior  to  the
           employee’s return from intermittent FMLA leave, up to once every thirty (30) days. A “reasonable safety
           concern” means a reasonable belief of significant risk of harm to the individual employee or others.

           Upon receiving sufficient notice of an employee’s need for FMLA-qualifying leave, Augusta, Georgia will

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