Page 32 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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notify the employee of his or her eligibility to take FMLA leave within five (5) business days of the request,
           absent extenuating circumstances. At this time, the Augusta, Georgia will also provide the employee written
           notice of the employee’s rights and obligations with respect to the leave (as well as providing copies of the
           required certification form).

           F. Application and Medical Certification:

           A leave to care for the employee’s own serious health condition, or the serious health condition of a covered
           family member, must be supported by a medical certification completed by the health care provider for the
           employee or the covered family member. A qualifying exigency leave or a leave to care for a Covered
           Servicemember with a serious injury or illness must also be supported by a certification. Augusta, Georgia
           will provide the proper certification to the employee for his or her respective leave within five (5) business
           days of the employee’s request for leave. The employee must return a complete and sufficient copy of the
           appropriate certification to Augusta, Georgia within fifteen (15) calendar days of receiving the certification,
           unless it is not practicable. If the employee returns an incomplete or insufficient certification, then Augusta,
           Georgia  shall  advise  the  employee  in  writing  what  additional  information  necessary  to  make  the
           certification complete and sufficient.  In order to  cure the deficiency, the  employee must then return a
           complete and sufficient certification to Augusta, Georgia within seven (7) calendar days. If the employee
           fails to cure a deficiency in a certification, or fails to return a certification, within the prescribed time period,
           Augusta, Georgia may deny the taking of leave.

           An  Augusta,  Georgia  representative  (other  than  the  employee’s  direct  supervisor)  may  contact  the
           employee’s health care provider to clarify or authenticate the medical certification submitted for leave for
           the employee’s own serious health condition or the serious health condition of a family member. If Augusta,
           Georgia has reason to doubt the validity of a medical certification, the employee will be required to obtain
           a  second  or  third  opinion  at  Augusta,  Georgia’s  expense.  Failure  to  comply  with  these  certification
           requirements will result in the delay, denial or termination of leave.

           An employee who will be on a FMLA leave for more than one (1) week is required to call the Human
           Resources Department weekly to report when and if the employee expects to return to work. Augusta,
           Georgia may request recertification at any time during the course of the leave for the employee’s own
           serious health condition, if: (1) the employee requests an extension of leave; (2) the circumstances of the
           employee’s condition as described in the previous certification have changed significantly, or (3) if Augusta,
           Georgia has reason to suspect that an employee on FMLA leave has fraudulently obtained the FMLA leave.
           If  desired  by  Augusta,  Georgia,  a  second  or  third  certification  in  the  manner  provided  above  may  be
           required. If the employee’s leave to care for his or her own serious health condition or that of a family
           member is expected to last more than thirty (30) days, Augusta, Georgia will require a new certification
           from the employee’s health care provider when leave is scheduled to expire, or every six  (6)  months,
           whichever occurs earlier.

           When Augusta, Georgia learns of an FMLA reason for leave after a leave has commenced under another of
           Augusta,  Georgia’s  policies,  Augusta,  Georgia  will  designate  the  leave  as  FMLA-qualifying  from  the
           commencement of the leave. Employees are required to cooperate in providing Augusta, Georgia with
           information needed to make this determination.

           G. Continuation of Group Health Benefits:

           Augusta, Georgia will maintain the employee’s coverage under a group health plan during the period of
           FMLA leave under the same terms and conditions as though the employee were actively working. During

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