Page 49 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 49
Section 200.019 Policy Updates, Jurisdiction and Other Matters
This policy updates and clarifies EEO-related systems, policies, and procedures that were previously being
conducted for Augusta, Georgia. It shall be added as a section of formal policy to all current editions of the
Human Resources Employee Handbook and all HR and departmental policies and procedures (formal and
informal/verbal and written). HR and other departments are expected to acknowledge and adhere to the
EEO Policies and Procedures. HR does not have the jurisdiction to investigate EEO-related matters. As to
all matters that are not EEO-related, HR Policies and Procedures and/or the applicable City Ordinance shall
control. The EEO Policy shall override any internal departmental policies and procedures, except for
elected officials’ and independent boards’ and authorities’ standard operating procedures, in relation to EEO
issues or complaints. This policy supersedes any prior policies or procedures in connection with the
Augusta, Georgia EEO Office.
All Rights Reserved – As approved by the Commission on 05-07-2019 49 | P a g e