Page 96 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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GA, CODE §§1-1-20 through 1-1-26.

           Becoming Related During the Course of Employment

           If the situation occurs where an employee within a department marries or becomes related by marriage to
           another individual within the same department and one relative is in a position where he or she directly
           supervises the other relative on a daily basis, the Department Director and the two affected employees will
           have thirty (30) days to change the positions of one or both of the related employees such that they can both
           work in the same department without violating the nepotism policy.  If this is not possible, then within sixty
           (60) days of the marriage date, the Director of Human Resources will evaluate the qualifications of the
           affected  employee  who  was  last  hired  to  see  if  there  is  a  comparable  position  available  in  another
           department. If no comparable position is found in another department within sixty (60) days of the marriage,
           or if a transfer is offered and declined by the employee, all continued rights of employment shall cease, and
           such employee will be separated.

           This policy will be applied in accordance with applicable state and federal law, and any employee who
           violates the policy will be subject to discipline up to, and including, termination.

           Section 800.004  Position Management


           The Position Management Program (PMP) is the formal system for identifying and defining positions in
           Augusta, Georgia to assure compliance with Augusta, Georgia’s budget program and availability of funds.
           A position is a specific functional job within Augusta, Georgia.  The PMP is divided into two distinct

               i)  A unique position numbering system will provide controls for authorized and recognized positions.
                  The unique number for each position will easily identify the Human Resources criteria of several
                  programs critical to each position.

               ii)  The PMP will provide a formal approval process for positions to be included in the budget program
                  and a means for tracking the status of these positions in relationship to the availability of funds.

           Position Numbering and Control

           Each position in the Augusta, Georgia Classified Service will be assigned a Personnel Control Number
           (PCN).  Utilizing a series of alpha-numeric fields, essential information unique to that position can be
           readily obtained.  The PCN is divided into three basic subgroups -
               i)  Position Identifier - This is the basic identifying sequence for the job position.  It consists of four
                  fields  that  will  include  the  job  classification  code,  the  department  and  division  to  which  it  is
                  assigned, and a sequence number.  No two Position Identifiers will be the same.

               ii)  Supplemental Data - The next section of the PCN is a series of fields which will allow Human
                  Resources to identify the following -  Exempt/Nonexempt as defined by the Fair Labor Standards

           Position control is a system of tracking information based upon positions rather than employees to create a

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