Page 162 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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1. Adhere to the provisions of this section in its entirety.
2. Ensures he/she has a valid driver's license in their possession while driving an Augusta,
Georgia vehicle.
3. Inspect the vehicle at the beginning of each driving day. Items to inspect can be found at
Form RM for vehicles requiring a Class C license and Form RM for CDL. Inspection check
sheets provided in this manual are not intended to replace the provisions of law. Drivers are
responsible for ensuring any and all legal requirements for safety inspections are met.
1. Ensure "pre-operation" daily checks are made.
2. May declare a vehicle "out of service" or "deadline" a vehicle for safety hazards.
1. Will make periodic inspections of any Augusta, Georgia owned vehicle to ensure safety and
driver compliance with policy.
2. Has the authority to declare a vehicle "out of service" or "deadline" as a result of a safety
3. Has the authority to temporarily suspend driving privileges of employees in Augusta, Georgia
vehicles observed driving recklessly. A written report of the action/conduct and description
of the observation will be provided to the department head within one working day.
Section 1000.103 Driver Pre-Operation Inspections
A. Non-commercial vehicles - Safety checks will include as a minimum
1. Lights
2. Horn
3. Directional Signals
4. Brakes, brake lights and brake fluid
5. Motor oil
6. Power steering fluid
7. Windshield washers and wipers
8. Tires (tread and inflation)
9. Clutch travel
10. Hydraulic systems
11. Proper latching of seat belts
B. Commercial type vehicles (CDL) - The minimum requirements are established as law and all
drivers applying for a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) must demonstrate their knowledge of
"pre-trip" inspections prior to being approved for a license. Drivers are responsible for conducting
all safety inspections prescribed by law - pre-trip, during operations inspection, and end of the
driving day inspection.
Section 1000.104 General Vehicle Safety
A. Position all adjustments for safe driving before putting the vehicle into gear such as - the seat,
properly adjust seat belts, inside and outside mirrors, and seating positions.
B. Drivers of Augusta, Georgia vehicles must possess a valid state driver's license and they must be
thoroughly familiar with the state and local regulations governing motor vehicle operation. The
fact that an employee is operating an emergency vehicle does not absolve them from civil or
criminal liability for the consequences of wanton reckless driving. The driver must be in the
position to satisfy a jury that they used reasonable care and prudence in operating emergency
vehicles. Even though emergency equipment has warning devices, the drivers are expected to
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