Page 25 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 25


               A.  Employees who are absent from work for the reason of serving in the Uniformed Services, or for
                  the  purpose  of  an  examination  to  determine  fitness  to  perform  service  in  the  Uniformed
                  Services, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, are entitled to reemployment rights and other benefits

                  1. the periods of absence from Augusta, Georgia attributable to service in the Uniformed Services do
                      not exceed a cumulative total of five (5) years not to include those periods of service expressly
                      exempted from this five (5) year limitation by federal law (USERRA Regulations, 20 CFR &

                  2. the employee is discharged under conditions that do not constitute other than honorable discharge;

                  3. the employee reports for or applies for reemployment according to the following time limits
                      (based on the length of the current military service from which the employee is returning):

                             a.  Unless applicable law provides otherwise, employees whose period of Uniformed
                                 Service is less than thirty-one (31) days must report to work on the first regularly
                                 scheduled workday following eight (8) hours of rest time upon returning from the
                                 place of duty.

                             b.  Employees whose period of Uniformed Service was from thirty-one (31) days to 180
                                 days must submit an application for reemployment no later than fourteen (14) days
                                 after the completion of service.

                             c.  Employees whose period of Uniformed Service was more than 180 days must submit
                                 an application for reemployment no later than ninety (90) days after completion of

                             d.  Employees who, at the time of release from military service, are hospitalized for or
                                 recuperating from an illness or injury incurred or aggravated during the Uniformed
                                 Service must report for reemployment (if the period of military service was less than
                                 31 days) or apply for reemployment (if the period of military service was 31 days or
                                 more) at the end of the period necessary for recovery from the  illness or injury,
                                 provided the recovery period does not exceed two (2) years.

               B.  Documentation  must  be  provided  to  establish  timeliness  of  application,  and  to  ensure  that  all
                  eligibility requirements for reemployment are met. Failure to provide documentation cannot be used
                  as a basis to deny reemployment if the requested information is not readily available through no
                  fault of the employee.

               C.  In some instances, Georgia law may provide more generous time periods for seeking reemployment
                  than the time periods established by USERRA that are not set forth above. To the extent Georgia
                  law provides a longer time period for seeking reemployment than USERRA provides in a particular
                  situation, the more generous provisions of Georgia law will be applied.

               D.  Augusta, Georgia is not required to reemploy an employee if the employment from which he/she
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