Page 81 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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The system consists of 30 grades (or levels), starting at PG 32 and continuing to PG 61. Employees aren’t
           always hired in at the Minimum level; some are hired in ten (10%) or fifteen (15%) percent (with the
           Administrator’s approval) above Minimum Pay Grade due to prior experience or education. If the employee
           has a great academic career, then the individual could qualify for Superior Academic Achievement (see
           Augusta, Georgia’s career ladder/tuition reimbursement program for additional information).

           Under this program, within each grade, there are 10 steps that can increase an employee’s pay by about
           1.50% at each step (this is in addition to pay adjustments in response to pay increase in the private sector,
           like a cost-of-living raise).

           An employee can expect to receive a raise by moving up one step at a time within a Pay grade, EXCEPT

               1.  A one-year waiting period for the first three step increases;
               2.  Then a two-year waiting period for the next three increases;
               3.  Then a three-year waiting period for the next step increases.

           Earning Within-Grade Increases

           Employees who occupy permanent positions earn WGIs upon meeting the following three requirements
           established by Augusta, Georgia:

               •  The  employee's  performance  must  be  at  an  acceptable  level  of  competence.  To  meet  this
                  requirement,  an  employee's  most  recent  performance  rating  of  record  must  be  at  least  ("Meet
               •  The employee must have completed the required waiting period for advancement to the next higher
               •  The employee must not have received an "equivalent increase" in pay during the waiting period.

           Permanent Positions

           WGIs apply only to Augusta, Georgia employees occupying permanent positions. "Permanent position"
           means a position filled by an employee whose appointment is not designated as temporary and does not
           have a definite time limitation of 1 year or less. "Permanent position" includes a position to which an
           employee is promoted on a temporary or term basis for at least 1 year.

           Required Waiting Periods

           For employees with a scheduled tour of duty, the required waiting periods established by Augusta, Georgia
           for advancement to the next higher step are as follows:

                 Advancement from...            Requires...
                 step 1 to step 2               52 weeks of creditable service at step 1
                 step 2 to step 3               52 weeks of creditable service at step 2
                 step 3 to step 4               52 weeks of creditable service in step 3
                 step 4 to step 5               104 weeks of creditable service in step 4

                 step 5 to step 6               104 weeks of creditable service in step 5

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