Page 76 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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Any change, except as indicated in these policies, in the Classification Plan, such as establishing new
           classes, abolishing classes, reallocating classes or pay grade changes for classes require the prior approval
           by the Human Resources Director and approval by the Administrator or designee if it impacts current fiscal
           year budget.

           Section 500.210 Departmental Reorganization/Reclassification Policies and Procedures

           Authority of the Administrator
           The  Administrator  shall  have  the  authority  to  approve  all  classifications,  re-organizations,  and
           reclassifications; pay adjustments up to fifteen percent (15%) of base pay and final decision authority of
           classification appeals.

           Introduction -
           Augusta,  Georgia’s classification system was  designed to  group positions  together which have similar
           duties, have approximately the same levels of complexity and responsibility, require similar training and
           experience at the time of recruitment, and uses pay grades which allow for compensation within the same
           pay ranges for comparable positions.  Reclassification of an existing position shall be based upon significant
           changes (normally minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the position’s duties and responsibilities) in a
           position such that the new job duties and responsibilities are no longer appropriately placed in the current
           compensation system within the department.  Such changes should be reflected in factors as increases in
           the  level  of  training  or  skills,  knowledge,  responsibility,  scope  of  supervision  (if  applicable),  working
           conditions and accountability. The Reclassification System should not be used to reward or punish the
           incumbent’s performance, to circumvent the raise recommendations, to recognize the incumbent’s volume
           of work, dependability, loyalty or financial need.  Reclassification may result in a position upgrade that
           necessitates an increase in salary or it could result in a position downgrade to a lower pay grade.

           In an effort to reduce costs, improve efficiency and productivity, Department Directors may have a bona-
           fide  need  to  reorganize  their  department,  create  new  position(s),  eliminate  unnecessary  position(s),  or
           reclassify existing position(s).  Prior to attempting to implement a reorganization, department Directors
           should initiate a discussion with the Human Resources Director and Augusta, Georgia Law Department, as
           applicable, to help determine the feasibility, appropriateness, compliance with all applicable employment
           laws (i.e., FLSA, Equal Pay Act, etc.) and organizational savings associated with the proposal.

           Any requests for reorganization must first be submitted to the Human Resources Director for initial review.
           The HR Director shall recommend to the Administrator suitable action. Justification for overall net cost-
           savings and/or data supporting any improvement or efficiency resulting from departmental reorganization.
           Availability of appropriate funding in current budget for the position(s) in question, consolidation of duties,
           responsibilities, etc., that will produce tangible efficiencies in operations or measurable quality of customer

           Special Note
           Any requests for departmental reorganization / reclassification not in conformance with this policy will not
           be processed by the Human Resources Department

           Submission Procedures to Human Resources Department
           The Department Director must attach a memo that will help make a business case for the reclassification or
           reorganization request. The following items must be provided by Department Director or designee to the
           Human Resources Director when submitting a reclassification or re-organization proposal:

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