Page 77 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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a.  Position  control  information  for  current  and  proposed  organization  (obtain  from  finance
               b.  Name,  pay rate and grade for all incumbents;
               c.  Position(s) that will be abolished, respective savings, productivity and efficiency improvement to
                  be realized;
               d.  Addition/deletion  of  duties  and  responsibilities  for  all  positions  that  are  proposed  for
               e.  Current and proposed organizational charts (for your department);
               f.  Proposed job description for all positions and PDQ as appropriate; and
               g.  Availability of funding in the current Fiscal Year to support the reorganization.

           Plans to request a review of position(s) for next year’s budget shall be forwarded to the Human Resources
           Director. A preliminary review of position(s) shall be performed by the Human Resources Department.  If
           approved by the Administrator, the position is then put into next year’s budget if funding is not available
           for present fiscal year budget.

           Any  request  will  not  be  processed  without  these  documents.  The  length  of  time  for  the  review  or
           reclassification requests by Human Resources and the Commission will depend on factors such as the
           complexity of the review and the number of reclassification and/or reorganizations that are in process.

           Section 500.211 Conducting a Job Audit

           From time to time, the Human Resources Director may order an audit of a single or multiple position(s) in
           one  department,  selected  departments,  or  all  departments,  as  deemed  necessary.    Should  the  Human
           Resources Director order an audit, the results of the audit will be made available to the Administrator and
           Department Director(s).  The process of the job audit is as follows:

               1.  A  representative  of  the  Human  Resources  Compensation  Administration  Unit,  on  the  Human
                  Resources Director’s directive to conduct such audit, shall first schedule an appointment with the
                  Department Director confirming the date, time and place of the audit.
               2.  The Department Director(s) shall notify incumbent(s) of the position(s) of audit date.
               3.  A Compensation Administration representative shall utilize an approved Job Audit form and/or
                  Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) for this purpose. The cooperation of employee/supervisor
                  are required.
               4.  A Compensation Administration representative may interview the Department Director, immediate
                  supervisor, and/or incumbent
               5.  Results of the audit shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Director.
               6.  The Human Resources Director shall notify Department Director of the results of the audit.
               7.  A copy of the audit result(s) and Compensation Administration recommendations may be forwarded
                  to the Administrator for financial approval.

           Job Audit or Reclassification Requests
           The department Director shall review each employees request first and if deemed appropriate, recommends
           or submit the request to the Human Resources Director.

           Section 500.212 Administrative Review of Reclassifications, Reallocations, and Reorganizations

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