Page 73 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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F. Maintenance of the Classification Plan

           The Human Resources Department shall be charged with the responsibility of maintaining the Classification
           Plan and providing for the continued, proper allocation of the employees in the Classified Service:

               1.   On the basis of studies made by the Human Resources Department on new or proposed positions
                  and on the recommendations resulting there from, the Human Resources Director shall, place the
                  position in the proper class reflecting the duties and responsibilities of the work.

               2.  On the basis of studies made by the Human Resources Department and on the recommendations
                  resulting  there  from,  the  HR  Director  may  propose  to  the  Administrator  a  reclassification  of
                  positions to the proper classification. The Administrator’s decision regarding reclassifications shall
                  be final.

           Section 500.202 Position Descriptions (Class Specifications)

           Class specifications are very general descriptions of the duties and tasks of positions in the organization.
           Employees shall have a class specification associated with their official position. It shall describe examples
           of actual tasks performed in a generic manner, including the essential functions of the position and physical
           abilities generally required to perform those essential functions. An approved position description template
           by the Human Resources Director shall be used by all Department Directors at all times.

           Section 500.203 Official Copy of Class and Position Descriptions

           A master set of all approved class and position descriptions, which shall constitute the official Classification
           Plan, shall be maintained in the Human Resources Department. The official copy shall show all amendments
           to the original plan. All approved job classes can be found in the Human Resources Compensation website

           Section 500.204 Titles of Positions

           The approved job title of a position shall be used to designate the position in all budget estimates, payrolls
           and  other  official  records,  documents,  vouchers  and  communications  in  connection  with  all  personnel
           processes. Other working titles may be used for a position, if desired, by the Appointing Authority for
           purposes not involving a personnel process. Approved job titles may be changed only with the approval of
           the Human Resources Director and the Administrator.

           Section 500.205 Minimum Qualifications

           Minimum qualifications are comprehensive statements of the minimum skills, experience, education and
           abilities necessary to perform the essential functions of the job.

           Section 500.206 Procedures for the Allocation of Positions

           The Human Resources department is responsible for ensuring that all classified positions are allocated and,
           after  consulting  with  the  affected  employee(s)  (if  applicable)  and  his  or  her  Department  Director  or
           Appointing  Authority,  recommending  to  the  Administrator  or  designee  the  appropriate  class  of  each

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