Page 70 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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Section 500.133 Employees Transferring From One Department/Office to Another

           When non-exempt employee with a comp time balance transfers from one department/office to another, the
           department/office from which the employee is transferring is responsible for cashing out the comp time
           balance and paying the employee prior to the effective date of the transfer.

           Section 500.134 Amendment of Salary Administration Program

           The Administrator shall have the authority to approve all classifications, reclassifications, pay adjustments
           up to fifteen percent (15%) of base pay and final decision authority of classification appeals.

           The Administrator, when necessary, may request a meeting with the Human Resources Director for the
           purpose of amending the Salary Administration Program and to conduct a salary and wage competitiveness
           examination. Based upon this examination, the Human Resources Director will present recommendations
           for  revisions  in  the  Salary  Administration  Program  to  the  Administrator  for  appropriate  action.  When
           reviewed by the Administrator and approved by the Board of Commissioners, the Salary Administration
           Program shall constitute Augusta, Georgia's pay schedule and shall be effective until such time as the
           Administrator deems necessary to effect changes.

           Section 500.135 Interim Pay Policy

           The purpose for this policy is to provide a salary adjustment to employees who are placed in an interim
           position. An individual serving on an interim basis in a position at a higher salary will be based on the
           policy provided in Section 500.118 herein.  This policy will only whereas applies when the position will be
           vacant for at least thirty (30) days.

           Interim Pay Amount:
           The  following  adjustments  will  be  provided  to  employee  who  is  in  the  interim  position  based  on  the
           following criteria:

               1.  Employees will be moved to the entry level pay of the job  grade of the vacant position or the
                  employee will receive a fifteen percent (15%) increase, whichever is greater.  The Administrator
                  may approve additional increase of up to fifteen per cent (15%) if funds are available.

               2.  At the end of the interim term, the adjustment will be eliminated and the employee will return to
                  their previous salary. There will be no exceptions to this guideline.

           All interim salary adjustments must be approved in accordance with this policy and Section 500.118 before
           any salary adjustment is to be implemented.  All salary adjustments will be implemented at the beginning
           of the pay period following approval.  Adjustment will not be made during a pay period.

           All salary adjustments must be submitted in writing to the Human Resources Director and must include the

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