Page 69 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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employed in a recreational establishment, organized camp, or non-profit educational conference center if:
           a) the establishment does not operate for more than seven (7) months in any calendar year; OR b) during
           the preceding calendar year, its receipts for any six (6) months of the year were not more than thirty-three
           and one-third (33 1/3%) percent of its average receipts for the other six (6) months of the year. As a matter
           of policy, persons employed by Augusta, Georgia, in a capacity falling within the above referenced FLSA
           exemption shall be paid straight time for all hours worked.

           Section 500.130 Overtime for Part-time, Non-exempt Employees

           Part-time, non-exempt employees who work more than their normal work schedule but less than the FLSA
           maximum hours for the appropriate work cycle will be paid at straight time. When hours worked exceed
           FLSA maximums for the appropriate work cycle, part-time employees will be paid overtime at time and
           one-half (1.5) of the regular rate.

           Section 500.131 Compensatory Time Policy for Non-Exempt Staff

           The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) authorizes local governments to grant compensatory time (comp
           time) off at a rate of one and half (1.5) hours for each overtime hour worked in lieu of cash overtime
           compensation. However, comp time shall only be applicable to non-exempt employees.

           Comp time accrued and used in the same FLSA work cycle is used as straight time (e.g. a non-exempt
           employee works three (3) hours past his normal schedule on the third day of a seven (7) day FLSA work
           cycle. The employee then uses the accrued comp time on the sixth day of the same FLSA work cycle. The
           time is used as straight time (three hours), since the use of the comp time took place in the same FLSA work
           cycle.) Comp time is allowed at the discretion of the Elected Official/Department Director. Comp time must
           be provided in accordance with an agreement or understanding with employees prior to the time being
           worked.  The  employee  has  the  right  to  request  the  use  of  accumulated  comp  time.  Department/office
           administrators must allow for the use of the comp time within a reasonable period following the employee’s
           request to take the time off unless the operation of the government would be unduly disrupted by the
           employee’s  absence  from  work.  The  employee  is  entitled  to  receive  full  compensation  for  unused
           accumulated comp time when employment is terminated.

           The FLSA requires the paying out of or “cashing out” of comp time upon separation from Augusta, Georgia
           service. When compensatory time is cashed out upon separation of employment, it must be paid at the
           regular rate the employee is earning at the time it is cashed out, or the average regular rate received by the
           employee during the past three years, whichever is higher.

           Department Directors/Elected Officials may choose to cash out comp time periodically at any time during
           the employee’s tenure with the approval of the Augusta, Georgia Board of Commissioners. When time is
           cashed out by a Department/Office on occasions other than separation from Augusta, Georgia service, it
           must be paid at the regular rate the employee is earning at the time it is cashed out. (Funds must be available
           in the department budget for use in cashing out comp time.)

           Section 500.132 Maximum Comp Time Accrual

           The FLSA establishes the maximum amount of comp time that employees  can accrue. The maximum
           accrual  limit  for  employees  engaged  in  work  associated  with  public  safety,  emergency  response  and
           seasonal work is 480 hours. For employees in all other areas, the maximum accrual is 240 hours. Any hours
           worked over these limits must be paid to the non-exempt employee.
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