Page 64 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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The following are examples of cases in which an exception might be approved as specified in the above
           guidelines -

                  1.  If a selected candidate’s qualifications  exceed the minimum  qualifications  stated in  the job
                      posting and they will not accept appointment at the minimum rate of the class, the candidate
                      may be appointed at a higher rate. These cases should be thoroughly analyzed and measured
                      against objective qualification standards and reviewed and compared with the salaries of current
                      employees in the class by the Human Resources Compensation Administration unit.

                  2.  Difficulty in recruitment may justify a higher rate. If difficulty in recruitment at the minimum
                      rate in  the salary  range  persists,  the HR Director and Administrator shall  be consulted  and
                      approval given first before assigning a higher hiring rate within the pay grade as long as the
                      salary offer is within ten percent (10%) of the minimum established salary range. Appropriations
                      for funding positions above the minimum rate must be secured within the framework of the
                      budget of the department employing the individual. Any recommendation exceeding ten percent
                      (10%) will be forwarded to the Administrator.

           Department Directors and Supervisors will be held accountable if they create internal inequity in their

           If market conditions or unusual circumstances dictate a starting salary that is above ten percent (10%) of
           the job’s minimum salary range, Department Directors shall submit to the Human Resources Director, a
           written request along with justification to that effect. The Administrator may approve or reject the request.
           Such circumstances (e.g., tight labor market, education and/or experience levels which are significantly
           above minimal job requirements) should be documented and verified by the Compensation Administration

           Section 500.109 Employee Communication and Rights

           Employees should receive written notification of any increase to their base pay. Supervisors should not
           communicate any increase or promise to increase employee compensation unless they receive a written
           notice from the Human Resources Director to do so.  Employees who have issues or concerns with their
           compensation (for other than EEO reasons) should follow the procedures in Section 500.316 herein.

           Section 500.110 Annual Salary Schedule Determinations

           The  salary  schedule  should  be  reviewed  on  an  annual  basis  in  line  with  that  of  World  at  Work
           ( Compensation Organization, using the first (1 ) Quarter of the Fiscal Year’s CPI
           Index (Bureau of Labor Statistics)(, and/or comparable survey data. For example,
           if World at Work Compensation Organization data indicates an average of three percent salary structure
           adjustment, all Augusta, Georgia salary ranges should be adjusted by approximately three percent (3%).
           Note - this is a salary schedule adjustment—not an individual salary adjustment. The HR Director shall
           submit a recommendation by July 1 of each year, a CPI adjustment review and approve for next year’s
           budget inclusion.  Employees’ annual increases shall be independent of the salary schedule adjustment.

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