Page 59 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 59


           (Pre-Approved or Individual Career Ladder)

           Please review prior to establishing progression to ensure eligibility of position/employee.
           If you are unsure of eligibility, please contact Human Resources-Compensation before forming progression with

           Name -
           Department                                                Department Code -
           Name -
           Current Job                                               Current Pay Rate -
           Title/Grade -
           Length of Time in                                         Estimated Date of
           Current Title -                                           Completion -
           Does Employee meet all Requirements of                    Estimated Pay Rate after
           Current Job? (Yes/No)                                     Completion -

           (Please refer to Job Descriptions for complete information on position)  Please answer Yes or No to the questions below.
               1.  Is employee past the AUGUSTA, GEORGIA probationary period?  Yes    No

               2. Is employee free of current written warning/disciplinary action, and does the last annual performance review
               show an overall rating of "Meets Expectations" or higher?  Yes    No

               3.  Does department have funding for proposed increase upon completion of progression? Yes    No

               4. Does the department structure allow for this position?  Yes    No
               (Ex - There is already one supervisor in the department, and structure does not allow for two)

               5. Can the department support the new level of duties required of this position?  Yes    No
               (Ex. - Are these additional duties required by the department, or are the duties being moved from another
               incumbent to this one? If the duties are being moved, is the other incumbent’s position jeopardized?)

               6. Has this department been free of layoffs in similar classifications for the past 12 months?  Yes     No

               7. Is this either the 1st or 2nd Career Ladder progression for this employee at AUGUSTA, GEORGIA?  Yes    No

               8. Has at least 12 months elapsed since employee’s last career ladder progression?  Yes    No

           If all questions have been answered “Yes,” please proceed with Form 2A for Individual Career Ladder with your

           Please attach a current department organization chart with this form. If any answer is “No,” employee and/or position
           is not eligible at this time.  Please pursue alternative Career Development programs.


           Employee (Print Name)                                            Date

           Department Director                                              Date

           Compensation Administration Staff                                Date

           HR Director                                                      Date

               All Rights Reserved – As approved by the Commission on 05-07-2019                   59 | P a g e
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