Page 62 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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j.  Every two (2) years, the Human Resources Director will conduct a market study of benchmark
                  positions to determine the competitive posture of the organization, and propose a plan of action, if
                  needed,  to  bring  any  positions  or  classes  into  competitive  alignment.  At  any  time  the  Human
                  Resources  Director  determines  that  one  or  more  particular  classes  need  to  be  reviewed  more
                  frequently than once every two (2) years, necessary action may be taken to assess the market position
                  of such classes without consulting the Commission. The Administrator’s approval is required to
                  conduct such classes’ market study.


           Section 500.101 Authority of the Administrator

           The Administrator shall have the authority to approve all classifications, reclassifications, reorganizations,
           pay  adjustments  up  to  fifteen  percent  (15%)  of  base  pay  and  final  decision  authority  of  classification

           Section 500.102 Overview of Compensation Administration Program

           The development and maintenance of Augusta, Georgia’s Compensation Policy is the responsibility of the
           Human Resources Department. Each Department’s Director and the Administrator are responsible for the
           implementation of and adherence to all compensation program policies at each level of a department.

           The compensation administration program is the formal system for classifying positions and compensating
           employees of Augusta, Georgia. It is divided into two (2) distinct plans:

               1.  The  compensation  plan,  which  provides  a  salary  structure,  and  the  components  of  the
                  compensation plan. Each component will be discussed in detail in this Policy.

               2.  The classification plan, which is the categorization of job positions, duties and qualifications.

           Section 500.103 The Compensation Plan

           The  Compensation  Plan  is  designed  as  a  fair  and  equitable  method  of  payment  to  employees  of  the
           organization.  The  Plan establishes  a  basic  salary  schedule,  as  recommended  by  the  Administrator  and
           approved by the Augusta, Georgia Board of Commissioners. The salary structure includes the minimum,
           midpoint and maximum rates of pay for all classes of positions included in the Classification Plan. In
           addition to the basic salary schedule, the Compensation Plan consists of components, including, but not
           limited to, market adjustments, pay for performance, and exceptional circumstance adjustments. The rate
           of pay set forth in this Plan does not include allowance for actual travel expense authorized and incurred as
           incidental to employment or overtime.

           Section 500.104 Components of the Compensation Plan

           The compensation for each employee is the product of the salary structure and the components of the
           compensation  plan  that  shall  be  used  to  adjust  employee  compensation.  Each  component  of  the
           compensation  plan  is  subject  to  funding  approval  on  an  annual  basis  by  Augusta,  Georgia  Board  of
           Commissioners as part of the budget. These components are discussed in detail in the following sections.

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