Page 65 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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Section 500.111 Annual Base Salary Adjustments

           The maximum possible salary increase applicable to new employees (i.e., those hired during the current
           fiscal year) shall be the same as that of other employees. All new employees must be on the roll in order to
           be eligible for annual base salary adjustment.

           Section 500.112 Part-time Continuing Employment

           Part-time regular employees are assigned to appropriate classifications by the Human Resources Director.
           The same principles which apply to starting rates of pay for full-time regular employees shall be used to
           determine salaries of part-time employees. These employees shall be evaluated in accordance with the
           Performance Appraisal System described in Human Resources Management Policies.

           Section 500.113 Rehired Employees

           Rehired  employees  include  those  individuals  who  were  previously  employed  by  Augusta,  Georgia,
           Richmond County or the City of Augusta and terminated their employment (former employee) or retired
           (retiree) and are now seeking re-employment. Augusta, Georgia shall in all cases retain the sole discretion
           for rehiring an individual and neither retirees nor former employees have any additional or special rights
           by virtue of this policy.

           Section 500.114 Former Employees

           For the purposes of determining leave accrual, service awards, and any other program based upon length of
           service as eligibility criteria, an employee, who left employment with Augusta, Georgia while in good
           standing and was rehired within one year , shall receive prior service credit for their previous full-time
           tenure with either Richmond County, the City of Augusta or Augusta, Georgia and given an adjusted hire
           date to be calculated by the Human Resources Department, provided they gave appropriate notification of
           resignation and worked throughout their notice period.  Persons rehired after one year has passed will be
           treated as a newly hired employee with no credit for previously worked time.

           Section 500.115  Retirees of Augusta, Georgia Statement of Policy

           Augusta,  Georgia  recognizes  the valuable service provided by long-tenured employees and provides a
           retirement program for employees who have reached the end of their Augusta, Georgia career. As such, it
           is Augusta, Georgia’s policy that employees who have achieved retirement status will not be reemployed
           in a regular status. A retired employee may be hired back into a temporary part-time position only. If the
           former employee has received a retirement incentive upon retirement, they are not eligible to be rehired for
           twenty-four (24) months after their retirement date.

           Section 500.116  Service Credit and Benefits

           The retiree status will govern health plan participation and the rehired retiree will continue to receive only
           those health benefits available to full-time retirees. Upon rehire, a retiree who desires Augusta, Georgia
           health plan benefits must remain in the retiree plan and pay the prevailing retiree health plan contribution
           rates.  Rehired  retirees  will  not  earn  additional  Defined  Benefit  pension  service  credits  by  virtue  of
           reemployment tenure. Except for health plan participation and Defined Benefit pension credits, rehired
           retirees will receive all benefits (compensated absences, etc.) as would other employees in a part-time

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