Page 75 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 75

If the position is reallocated and the pay grade is not changed, the incumbent may be reclassified without
           examination providing the employee meets the minimum qualifications.

           If the position is assigned a lower pay grade than the current classification, this change is called a downgrade
           of the position. If the position is occupied, the incumbent will be reclassified and continue at the same pay
           and receive increases to the maximum of the range of the lower grade. If the current salary is above the
           maximum for the lower class, the employee shall be permitted to continue at the present rate of pay until
           the current salary falls within the lower grade range.

           In all cases of reallocation, if the position is vacant, it shall be filled in the prescribed manner according to
           the established process.

           In all cases of reallocation of an occupied position, the incumbent is reclassified consistent with the new
           allocation provided the incumbent meets the minimum qualifications for the position. The review date of
           the incumbent is not changed by such action. Any employee affected by the reallocation of his or her
           position may file a written request for reconsideration to the Human Resources Director.

           If the position is part of a specified job grouping where each successive increase is dependent upon receiving
           a higher level certification, license or other specified qualification, and promotion to the next level in the
           job grouping is automatic upon receipt of said certificate or license, the Human Resources Director may
           authorize the reallocation of the position and the reclassification of the incumbent without further review
           or approval if funds have been approved in the budget. The Human Resources Director reviews request for
           reallocation and recommends to the Administrator suitable action.

           Section 500.208 Procedures for the Re-grading of Positions

           The Human Resources Director may recommend approval to the Administrator or designee for a change in
           pay grade of existing positions when it is determined through re-evaluation of the position that the pay
           grade needs to be adjusted. Such action is called re-grading and must be approved by the Administrator or
           designee. Re-grading may occur as a result of the position being re-evaluated when compared to comparable
           jobs within the market without any substantial changes in duties. If a position is assigned a higher pay grade
           than the current classification, such action is considered an upgrade of the position. In order for a position
           to be re-graded to a higher position, the job duties and responsibilities must have changed by a minimum
           of fifteen percent (15%). Any position re-grade or higher level changes not meeting the fifteen percent
           (15%) change in duties and responsibilities of the position shall not merit a shift in pay grade or any salary

           Section 500.209 Maintenance of the Classification Plan

           To fill a job vacancy, the Department Director or Appointing Authority must initiate a request which will
           include a statement that the essential job functions and qualifications are still the same, or if different, must
           include a position description questionnaire (PDQ) form outlining the current duties and responsibilities for
           the  position.  When  a  department  or  division  is  reorganized,  the  Department  Director  or  Appointing
           Authority shall submit new position description questionnaires (PDQ) for all affected positions, including
           justification for re-organization showing significant cost reduction, improved productivity and efficiency
           as a result of the reorganization. In addition, the Department Director shall furnish department organization
           charts (old and new), and qualifications of each incumbent (if position was advertised only for internal
           candidates) of the new position to the Human Resources Director.

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