Page 31 - Marshal Annual Report
P. 31

State certification, administered through the Georgia
                           Chiefs of Police, is a voluntary program whereby a
                           police  agency  must  comply  with  141  standards  of
                           law enforcement excellence. The agency must have
                           comprehensive written policies and procedures and
                           be able to prove compliance with those standards
                           through verifiable documentation and observation.
                           This compliance is tested every three years via an
                           independent audit by Georgia Association of Chiefs
                           of Police Assessors. The Marshal’s Office has been
                           continuously State Certified since 1999.

               In  2023,  the  Richmond  County  Marshal’s  Office  facilitated
               6,210  hours  of  training  through  agency  coordinated  training
               and  through  our  training  partnerships  with  the  Georgia
               Public Safety Training Center, Georgia Marshal’s Association,
               Georgia  Chiefs  of  Police,  Federal  Law  Enforcement  Training
               Center,  Georgia  Prosecuting  Attorney’s  Council,  and  Georgia
               Bureau of Investigations. With a sworn staff of 52 employees
               and an average of 119 hours per deputy, the Marshal’s Office far
               exceeded  the  Georgia  Peace  Officers  Standards  and  Training
               Counsel’s minimum standard of twenty training hours per year.

               1190  HR       FIREARMS TRAINING

               408  HR       USE OF FORCE/DE-ESCALATION

               317 HR         LESS LETHAL TRAINING (TASER/BATON)

               184 HR         INVESTIGATIONS

               649  HR        PHYSICAL FITNESS


               308 HR         CRISIS INTERVENTION / MENTAL HEALTH
               200 HR         1ST AID / CPR                                                                                                29
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