Page 171 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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            Section 1000.201  General Safety Training

               A.  The effectiveness of a safety program is directly related to the quality of supervision, a thorough
                    understanding of the hazardous jobs to be accomplished, the training of employees, and daily
                    operations that consistently follow practices specified in published work rules.
                   1.  New Employee Orientation. All new employees shall receive a safety orientation within the
                       first thirty days on the job. This will be accomplished during the "New Employee Briefing"
                       given to all new employees by the Human Resources Department and Risk Management. In
                       addition,  supervisors  will  brief  their  employees  on  Department  specific  safety  issues.
                       Appropriate documentation shall be maintained certifying completion of orientation on all
                       employees. Such documentation will be signed by the employee receiving orientation training
                       and  the  supervisor.  The  form  located  at  RM-ANEO  –  AUGUSTA,  GEORGIA  NEW
                       EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION will be used and when complete will be filed in the individuals
                       personnel file.
                   2.  Employee Safety Training.
                          a.  Training of employees in job responsibilities and job operations, proper methods and
                              techniques to be used, and the hazards associated with the function or system are
                              important elements in achieving safe operation.  The employee’s supervisor will be
                              responsible to assure that all newly assigned individuals receive adequate training
                              before beginning work. All training must be documented in writing and signed by the
                              employee, supervisor and trainer, if different from the supervisor.
                          b.  Formal training is required for all employees engaged in hazardous operations such
                              as high voltage work, chemicals, pesticides, entering confined spaces and other
                              functions designated as hazardous by Risk Management, Department Directors, or
                          c.  Mandatory Repetitive Training -  Form RM-MT – MANDATORY TRAINING
                   3.  On-The-Job  Training.    Training  will  be  accomplished  by  supervisors  and  foreman
                       responsible for the individual.  This training will include -
                          a.  Safety program.
                          b.  Prescribed Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment for the job.
                          c.  Emergency treatment of injuries.
                          d.  How to report a fire or serious injury and accident.
                          e.  Specific hazards associated with the job.
                          f.  General hazards encountered in the work area and how to avoid them.
                   4.  No supervisor will assume that a newly hired, newly assigned, or reassigned employee
                       thoroughly knows all the safe job procedures.
                   5.  If an employee demonstrates, through accidents or continued unsafe acts, that he does not
                       understand  the  safety  requirements  of  his  job,  the  employee  will  be  retrained,  repeat
                       on-the-job instructions, and/or be personally counseled by the employee’s supervisor and/or
                       department head.

            Section 1000.202  Safety Training Specifics

               A.  The four point method (preparation, presentation, performance, and follow-up) has been found
                   best for all hazardous operations.
                       1.  Preparation.
                          a.  Put him/her at ease.
                          b.  Define the job and find out what he or she already knows about the job.
                          c.  Get him/her interested in learning his job.
                          d.  Place him/her in the correct position for him/her to work.

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