Page 213 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 213

                                          EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
                                           VEHICLE OVERSIGHT PROGRAM

               I,                                                      , understand that Augusta, Georgia,
               equips its fleet vehicles and equipment with Global Positioning System (“GPS”) devices.

               I also understand that when operating a fleet vehicle or equipment owned by Augusta,
               Georgia. I am subject to observation through use of the GPS by my department, Risk
               Management and/or Fleet Management.

               I  understand  that  in  addition  to  adhering  to  Motor  Vehicle  laws  of  Georgia  and  local
               ordinances of Augusta, Georgia.; I am responsible for adhering to policies of Augusta,
               Georgia which govern the use of its fleet vehicles and equipment -  Risk Management
               Safety Policy located in the Employee Handbook and the Fleet Management Policy which
               can be obtained by contacting the Fleet Manager.

               I  understand  that  information gathered  from observations of my  driving  and/or use of
               equipment may be used as justification for disciplinary action consistent with the Augusta,
               Georgia Progressive Discipline Policy.

            Employee Signature                                            Date

            Each employee of Augusta, Georgia, whether they operate a government owned vehicle or not, is required to read and sign
            this acknowledgement.

            Completed forms are to be returned to Risk Management.  Risk Management will retain a copy and forward the original
            form to Human Resources for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file.

                                       RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO RISK MANAGEMENT -
                                          530 Greene Street, Room 217  Augusta, GA  30901

               All Rights Reserved – As approved by the Commission on 05-07-2019                   212 | P a g e
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