Page 209 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 209

                                                   PENALTIES MATRIX
                                               SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE

             CLASS         DESCRIPTION          Points  ADMIN ACTION     FORFEITURE                 FORMULA

              1       Unavoidable                0      Caution Letter   $0 - $0
              2       Avoidable with mitigating   2-4   Caution Letter   $0.00 to $75.00       10%  of  damages
                      circumstances - (i.e.)                                                   but not to exceed
                      a. Bad Weather                                                           $75.00.
                      b. Road Conditions
                      c. Emergency Response
                      d. Other driver action
                      e. Actions of ground guide
              3       Avoidable  with  driver    3-6    Caution Letter   $0 to $750.00         First Offense 10%
                      error    (All    drivers                                                 Second   Offense
                      contributing)                                                            20%
                                                                                               Third Offense 30%
              4       Avoidable  with  driver    4-7    Letter       of  $0 to $750.00
                      error - (Drivers action was       Reprimand                              Same as Class 3
                      major contributing factor

              5       Negligence  with  extreme         Suspend  driving                       1st  -  30%  of
                      prejudice -                       privileges   for                       damages
                      a. DUI (alcohol/drugs)            Augusta vehicles   $0 to $1,000.00
                      b. Excessive speed        10-15                                          2d  -  50%  of
                      c.  Leaving  scene  of  an        Recommend                              damages
                      accident                          Termination
                      d. Willful traffic violations

            EMPLOYEE CATEGORIES                           ADJUSTMENTS
             CAT       SERVICE                        FORMULA FOR ADJUSTMENTS
             0        5 yrs or less           Non Senior-1st offense - damages $250 or less=Caution Letter

             1        5 yrs 1 day-10 yrs      25% of the damage assessment, all points remain

             2        10 yrs 1 day-15 yrs     50% of the damage assessment, all points remain
             3        15 yrs 1 day-20 yrs     75% of the damage assessment, all points remain
             4        20 yrs 1 day and beyond   Caution Letter for damages under $500 or 10% of damages but not to
                                              exceed $50.00, all points remain.

            ADJUSTMENTS - Adjustments to penalties will be allowed once each 5 yrs, providing the driver is not involved
            in an AT FAULT accident within the time. Adjustments are not automatic.

            RECOMMENDED POINT DISCIPLINE -5-8 pts=Written Reprimand;9-14=3 day suspension;15 pts=terminate

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