Page 204 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 204

                                                 INCIDENT REPORT FORM
                                                     Augusta, Georgia
            1.  Employee Name -                  2.  Department                           3.  Date/Time


            TYPE of INCIDENT
                   DAMAGE                          INJURY                                 REPORTED TO SHERIFF
                                                                                             No              Yes
                    Damage to Private Property            Theft of Gov’t Property
                    Damage to Gov’t Property              Theft of Private Property            Case #
                    Injury to General Public              Vandalized Gov’t Property
                    Injury to Employee                    Other

            INJURY                                                 DAMAGE/LOSS
            4.  Name of Injured -                                  9.  Type Property (Make, Model, Serial Number,
                                                                       Asset Number)

            5.  Address -                                          10.  Owner -

            6.  Phone                     7.  Employee             11.  Address/ Phone -
                                            General Public
            8.   Nature of Injury -                                12.  Describe Damage -

            13.  Describe events resulting in damage or injury (who, what, when, where, how, and why)  For vehicle accidents
            us the Fleet Accident Report

            14.  If medical treatment or Ambulance was required state the name of the provider (i.e. - Rural Metro,
                University/MCG/Augusta Regional)

            15.  What acts, conditions, or failure to act, contributed most directly to this incident?

            16. Corrective Action applied?

            17. Supervisor Signature -                                                          DATE -

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