Page 206 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 206

Form RM-FI
                                                  FACILITIES INSPECTION

            DEPARTMENT -__________________________________DATE -_________________________

            INSPECTOR -_________________________________________________________________

             1. Fire Protection/Prevention -                                             YES     NO
              a. Alarm system available and serviceable
              b. Extinguishing equipment serviceable
              c. Exits free of obstructions

              d. Exit doors are functional.
              e. Flammable materials are properly stored
              f. Stairs/fire escapes clear of debris
              g. Employees aware of evacuation procedures

             2. HOUSEKEEPING -                                                           YES     NO
              a. Isles and floors are clear.
              b. Storage and piling of materials is not  present.

              c. Wash and locker rooms clean and not cluttered.
              d. Lighting and ventilation is adequate.
              e. Waste is disposed of daily.
              f. Yards and parking areas are clear and pose no  hazards.
              g. Utility room is free of stored materials.

             3. OFFICE EQUIPMENT -                                                       YES     NO
              a. Rolling chairs have 5 prong base.
              b. Chairs are adjustable to the user.

              c. Desks are free from splinters and defects.
              d. Electrical devices are serviceable and cords not frayed.
              e. Surge protectors, not house hold extension cords, are in use.
             4. ADMINISTRATION -                                                         YES     NO
              a. Notice of Panel Doctors is posted in prominent location for employees.

              b. Employees participate in regular safety meetings.
              c. First Aid kit is available and stocked.
              d. Weather radio is available and serviceable.

            5. COMMENTS -__________________________________________________________________________



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