Page 202 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 202

Form RM-MT
                                                 MANDATORY TRAINING

                REQUIREMENTS                 DEPARTMENT                      FREQUENCY
             Substance  Abuse  (Alcohol  &      ALL                        Annual
             other Drugs (1 Hour)
             Substance  Abuse  Supervisor
             Awareness (1 Hour)

             Aids Prevention                    ALL                        Annual  -  *Note  -  may  be
                                                                           included  with  Occupational
                                                                           Exposure  to  Blood  borne
                                                                           Pathogens training

             Occupational Exposure to Blood   Sheriff                      New Personnel Orientation
             borne Pathogens (HBV)           Marshal
                                             Fire                          Annual (Refresher Training)
                                             Const/Maint Water &

             Prevention of Heat Injuries     All                           Annual

             Protection            against   All                           Annual -
             Tornados/Inclement Weather                                    Recommended  for  training  in
                                                                           Augusta, Georgia, April or May.

             CONCERN/EAP       (Can      be   ALL                          Annual
             performed  in  conjunction  with
             Substance  Abuse  Awareness
             FIRE           PREVENTION/      ALL                           Fire Drills to be conducted once
             EVACUATION                                                    each Quarter, Training-Annual

               All Rights Reserved – As approved by the Commission on 05-07-2019                   201 | P a g e
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