Page 198 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 198

Page 2 of 2  Air Brakes
                   the engine off when you have enough air                  With  a  fully  charged  air  system
                   pressure  that  the  low  pressure  warning              (typically  125  psi),  turn  off  the
                   signal is not on.  Turn the electrical power             engine, release the service brake,
                   on and step on and off the brake pedal to                and  time  the  air  pressure  drop.
                   reduce  air  tank  pressure.  The  low  air              The loss rate should be less than 2
                   pressure  warning  signal  must  come  on                psi in one minute for single vehicles,
                   before the pressure drops to less than 60 psi            less than 3 psi in one minute for
                   in the air tank (or tank with the lowest air             combination vehicles.  Then apply
                   pressure, in dual air systems).                          90  psi  or  more  with  the  brake
                                                                            pedal.  After  the  initial  pressure
                   If  the  warning  signal  doesn't  work,  you            drop, if the air pressure falls more
                   could lose air pressure and you would not                than 3 psi in one minute for single
                   know  it.   This  could  cause  sudden                   vehicles  (more  than  4  psi  for
                   emergency  braking  in  a  single  circuit  air          combination vehicles) the air loss
                   system.  In  dual  systems  the  stopping                rate  is  too  much.  Check  for  air
                   distance  will  be  increased.  Only  limited            leaks  and  fix  before  driving  the
                   braking  can  be  done  before  the  spring              vehicle.  Otherwise, you could lose
                   brakes come on.                                          your brakes while driving.

                                                                     CHECK AIR COMPRESSOR GOVERNOR
            AUTOMATICALLY -
                   Chock  the  wheels,  release  the  parking               Pumping  by  the  air  compressor
                   brakes when you have enough air pressure                 should start at about 100 psi and
                   to do it, and shut the engine off.  Step on              stop  at  about  125  psi.  (Check
                   and off the brake pedal to reduce the air                manufacturer's    specifications.)
                   tank pressure.  The "parking brake" knob                 Run the engine at a fast idle.  The
                   should pop out when the air pressure falls to            air governor should cut -out the air
                   the manufacturer's specification (usually in             compressor    at   about    the
                   a range between 20 -40 psi).  This causes                manufacturer's specified pressure.
                   the spring brakes to come on.                            The air compressor at about the
                                                                            manufacturer's specified pressure.
            CHECK RATE OF AIR PRESSURE BUILDUP -                            The  air  pressure  shown  by  your
                   With  the  engine  at  operating  RPM,  the              gauge(s) will stop rising.  With the
                   pressure  should  build  from  85  to  100  psi          engine idling, step on and off the
                   within 45 seconds in dual air systems. (If the           brake  to  reduce  the  air  tank
                   vehicle has larger than minimum air tanks,               pressure.  The  compressor  should
                   the buildup time can be longer and still be              cut-in at about the manufacturer's
                   safe.      Check   the   manufacturer's                  specified  cut-in  pressure.  The
                   specifications.)  In  single  air  systems  (pre         pressure should begin to rise.
                   1975),  typical  requirements  are  pressure
                   buildup from 50 to 90 psi within 3 minutes
                   with the engine at an idle speed of 600 -
                   900 RPM.

                   If air pressure does not build up fast enough,
                   your  pressure  may  drop  too  low  during
                   driving, requiring an emergency stop. Don't
                   drive until you get the problem fixed.

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