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3.  Enhances the risk reduction program.

                   4.  Reinforces current vehicle utilization policy (Fleet Management)

                   5.  Increases safety awareness

                   6.  Enhances Augusta Cares Program

            Section 1100.402  Vehicle Oversight Program Concept

            Vehicles owned by the Augusta, Georgia Commission will have Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
            installed with monitoring capability at the respective department level.  Central monitoring will be
            available  through  Risk  Management  and  Fleet  Management  as  well.  Cost  of  the  system  and
            monitoring fees will dictate the number of systems installed.

            Section 1100.403  Vehicle Oversight Program Applicability

            This  program  is  applicable  to  departments  and  agencies  subordinate  to  the  Augusta,  Georgia
            Commission.  Vehicles assigned to Constitutional Officers or Elected Officials are not subject to this

            Section 1100.404  Vehicle Oversight Program Responsibilities

               A.  Administrator -  Overall responsible for the overall supervision of the monitoring program.
               B.  Risk Management - Provides for program implementation, information briefings to respective
                   departments and provides primary centralized monitoring of vehicles.  Coordinates funding for
                   program support, continuity and sustainment.

               C.  Fleet  Management  -  Assists  Risk  Management  with  program  implementation  and
                   coordination.  Provides  secondary  centralized  monitoring  of  vehicles.  Responsible  for
                   coordinating the installation of systems on vehicles as directed.

               D.  Departments - Provides departmental monitoring and operational supervision.

               E.  All employees will be required to sign a form (Employee Acknowledgement Vehicle Oversight
                   Program  form)  that  acknowledges  they  understand  GPS  devices  will  be  used  in
                   vehicles/equipment  owned  by  the  Augusta,  Georgia  Commission  and  they  are  aware  of
                   potential consequences when abuse is discovered.
            Section 1100.405  Vehicle Oversight Program Funding

               A.  Initial  Funding -  provided  by Risk  Management  and will  include  the  purchase  of  system
                   hardware, activation and monthly/annual fees.

               B.  Sustainment Funding - provided by Risk Management for the monthly fees and included in the
                   allocation process.

               All Rights Reserved – As approved by the Commission on 05-07-2019                   193 | P a g e
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