Page 191 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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entrusted to him or her in the performance of their official duties. To this end, every employee will take
            reasonable and necessary precautions to prevent the loss, destruction, damage to or misappropriation of
            equipment and/or supplies belonging to  Augusta, Georgia.

            Section 1100.303  Loss Prevention Applicability

            This section applies to all departments, agencies, offices or sections subordinate to Augusta, Georgia.

            Section 1100.304  Loss Prevention Responsibilities

               A.  Department Directors
                   1.  Establish departmental policies and procedures for the accountability of property and supplies.
                       Policies will be in writing and posted for employee notification. The form Policy Letter (Form
                       RM-PL) may be used for this purpose.
                   2.  Ensure their respective departments maintain an accurate listing of equipment having serial
                       numbers and/or asset numbers, not including vehicles.
                   3.  Periodically checks to ensure property with asset numbers or serial numbered items is
                       inventoried (a minimum of once each year - September) and provides a report to Purchasing.
                   4.  Submits an Incident Report (Form RM-AGIR) upon learning of the loss, damage, destruction
                       or theft of department property in excess of $1105.00 or property with an asset number, to
                       Risk Management.
               B.  Supervisors
                   1.  Will ensure all employees under their direct supervision are aware of departmental policies
                       on loss prevention.
                   2.  Will ensure employees are trained on the proper use of assigned equipment.
                   3.  Makes on the spot corrections to employees abusing equipment or in violation of their policy.
                   4.  Responsible for common use equipment assigned to their crew, section, or team.
                   5.  Periodically inspects common use equipment and equipment assigned to subordinates to
                       ensure proper maintenance and care.
               C.  Employees
                   1.  Responsible for the proper maintenance and security of equipment assigned to him/her.
                   2.  Takes necessary action to prevent the loss, damage, destruction or theft of property assigned
                       to him/her.
                   3.  Reports any loss, damage, destruction or theft of property assigned to them, immediately to
                       their supervisor.

            Section 1100.305  Lost, Damaged or Destroyed Property

               A. Employees charged with equipment which has been lost, damaged or destroyed will report such
                   to their supervisor.
                   1.  An "Incident Report" (Form RM-AGIR) will be filled out and submitted to the department
                       a.  Reports covering equipment that is essential to "total" department operations (i.e. - radio
                          base station [as opposed to a single radio], office computer, single specialized piece of
                          equipment, etc.) will be forwarded to Risk Management.
                       b.  Reports covering equipment that is not essential to "total" department needs will be
                          disposed of by the department head in accordance with departmental policy.
                       c.  Before  liability  is  established  it  is  essential  the  department  head  have  the  incident
                          investigated by a disinterested party.
                       d.  Any equipment with an asset number which is lost, damaged or destroyed beyond repair
                          will be reported to the Purchasing Department who maintains a master list.

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