Page 188 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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            Section 1100.001  Claims Administration Purpose

            To establish policy, procedures and guidance in response to claims, torts, potential law suits or any
            allegations of damage or injury by employees or equipment belonging to, or under contract by Augusta,

            Section 1100.002  General Claims Administration Policy

               A.  No person employed by the Augusta, Georgia will accept responsibility for damages or injury to
                   persons or property owned by the general public.
               B.  All incidents of damage to property or equipment or injury to the general public will be reported
                   to Risk Management by telephone, and followed up with the Augusta, Georgia Incident Report
                   (Form RM-AGIR) or Fleet Accident Report (Form RM-FAR).
               C.  Any employee knowing of an incident (injury or damage) which involves an employee or
                   equipment of Augusta, Georgia and the general public will report the incident immediately.
               D.  Damage to Augusta, Georgia equipment or property will be reported to supervisors at the earliest
                   opportunity. This includes acts of vandalism and theft.
               E.  Injuries received during the course of employment will be reported and the procedures for
                   Workers Compensation will be followed.
               F.  Any incidents of theft will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency as well as
                   following the procedures of this section.
               G.  Risk Management will not accept claims from employees for the loss, theft, damage or destruction
                   of personal property not directly related to Augusta, Georgia operations.

            Section 1100.003  Claims Administration Responsibilities

               A.  Risk Management - Serves as the primary department under the Augusta, Georgia for processing
                   claims, torts, settlements and law suits against  Augusta, Georgia and its subordinate departments.
               B.  Department Directors -
                   1.  Establish procedures for the reporting of all claims of –
                       a.  Property damage, loss or theft of  Augusta, Georgia owned property;
                       b.  Damage to property owned by the general public;
                       c.  Injury to the general public by  Augusta, Georgia equipment, personnel or injury to the
                          general public within  Augusta, Georgia facilities.
                   2.  Notify Purchasing Department of any  Augusta, Georgia equipment that is lost through
                       damage or theft, specifically –
                       a.  Property with an asset number;(See Fixed Asset Policy; February 7, 1995)
                       b.  Property with a serial number;
                       c.  Any communication type equipment;
                       d.  Any media type property (i.e. cameras, TVs, radios, stereos, projectors);
                       e.  Computer/word processor type equipment;
                       f.  Equipment under lease or contract;
                       g.  Machinery/power tools;
                       h.  Property valued in excess of $99.00, which is not by its nature expendable.
                   3.  Ensure supervisors are familiar with reporting responsibilities/procedures.
                   4.  Implement necessary policies to reduce loss or injury.

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