Page 185 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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Section 1000.609  Workers Comp Temporary Duty General Guidelines

               A.  Departments may request temporary duty assistance by submitting the Request for Temporary
                   Duty Assistance to Risk Management.
               B.  Departments should be innovative in developing and assigning meaningful tasks which will
                   allow the employee to utilize his or her experience, education and physical capability.
               C.  The temporary duty employee's home department is responsible for all expenses associated
                   with the employee for the duration of their temporary duty status.
               D.  It is the responsibility of the employee to adhere to the temporary limitations identified by his
                   or her authorized treating physician.
               E.  The  supervisor  of  the  assigned  department  is  responsible  for  ensuring  that  employees  in
                   temporary duty assignments work within the identified medical restrictions.
               F.  The  employee's  work  schedule,  leave,  etc.,  will  be  coordinated  by  the  supervisor  of  the
                   assigned department.
               G.  The supervisor of the temporary duty employee will be responsible for submitting time sheets
                   to his or her home department. If the employee is assigned to more than one department, the
                   supervisor from each department must submit a time sheet to the employee's home department.
               H.  The supervisor of the assigned department will be responsible for completing the Temporary
                   Duty  Employee  Performance  Evaluation  ,  which  will  be  used  to  support  the  employee's
                   personnel  evaluation.  The  evaluation  form  is  required  only  if  the  employee  is  assigned
                   temporary duty under a different supervisor.
               I.  The duration of the temporary duty assignment may range from one day to a maximum of
                   twelve weeks, unless otherwise approved by Risk Management. Temporary duty assignments
                   may be used in conjunction with FMLA.

            Section 1000.610  Workers Comp Temporary Duty Assignment

               A.  Once the physician assigns an employee to temporary duty status, the employee must submit
                   a copy of the Physical Capacity Evaluation Form to Risk Management (via fax). The employee
                   or the employee's supervisor may call Risk Management the next working day for a temporary
                   duty assignment. Exceptions would be those employees who are capable of performing in their
                   regular  duty  assignment  or  department,  with  accommodations  being  made  by  their  home
               B.  Risk Management, under the advisement of the adjuster, authorized treating physician and/or
                   rehabilitation professional, will assign the employee to a temporary position which meets the
                   employee's  medical  restrictions.  Consideration  will  be  given  to  the  employee's  home
                   department, assignment, shift, etc. However, if temporary duty cannot be arranged within the
                   employee's  home  department,  the  employee  will  be  assigned  to  a  different  department,  if
               C.  The  temporary  duty  employee  has  an  obligation  to  adhere  to  the  policies  of  the  assigned
                   department. If the employee's work habits are not conducive to the overall effectiveness of the
                   assigned department, then the assigned supervisor may request that the temporary employee
                   be placed elsewhere. This request must be submitted to Risk Management in writing.
               D.  If an employee chooses not to work in an assigned temporary duty position within the medical
                   restrictions prescribed by the authorized treating physician, then indemnity benefits will not be
               E.  Risk  Management  is  responsible  for  notifying  the  employee's  home  department  of  the
                   employee's temporary placement and providing updates regarding changes in the employee's
                   medical restrictions.

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