Page 194 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 194


                       Personal Protective Equipment - SAFETY/RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL SECTION 7

                                     Minimum Essential Personal Protective Equipment

                                H = Head      E = Eye F = Face      R= Respiratory  V = Vest

            X  = Required Protection
            O = Recommended Protection

             Job/Activity           H     E    F   Hear   R     Hand    V    Foot         NOTES
             General Construction   X              O                    X    X        See C, 5, a

             Traffic       Control  X                                   X    O
             Heavy          Equip  O               O                    O    O       Based  on  the  type  of
             Operations                                                              operation,     Depts.
                                                                                     establish requirement

             Tractor   Mowing    -  X                                   O    X
             Unprotected Cab

             Truck Driving-CDL      O                                        O       Vest  is  recommended
                                                                                     to  have  available
                                                                                     should  the  driver  get
                                                                                     out  at  a  construction
             Pesticide Spraying           X               X                          To  be  in  compliance
                                                                                     with              the
                                                                                     suggested      safety
                                                                                     equipment  listed  on
                                                                                     the MSDS or product
                                                                                     warning label.

             Spray Painting               X               X                          See above
             Power Tools                  X        X                         X

             Air Tools                    X        X                         O

             Winches                X     X                     X            X
             Sewer Operations       X          O          O             X    X       As     directed   by
                                                                                     Director, W&S
             Push  Mower  with  gas       X        X                         X
            The basis for determining the need for protective equipment is, according to OSHA standards, that if the
            potential for injury exists then protective equipment should be used.

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