Page 214 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 214

Form RM-MVR-RF                                 MVR Review Form

            Name                                                 Date of MVR

            Dept:                                                     Job Title

            License Status:                                  # Current Points:
            Tickets in last 3 years (current employees) or    # of            Weight     Total          List all
            7 years (potential employees):                    Incidences     /Incident   Score    Date/Violation/Pts
                 At-fault accident with fatality                               X 10 =
                 DUI/operating while impaired                                  X 8 =
                 Chemical test refusal                                         X 8 =
                 Fleeing police                                                X 8 =
                 Reckless/careless driving                                     X 6 =
                 Driving under suspended license                               X 6 =
                 Leaving scene of accident                                     X 4 =
                 Speeding (≥15 mph or over 75 mph)                             X 3 =
                 At-fault accident                                             X 2 =
                 Speeding (<15 mph over limit)                                 X 2 =
                 Improper/illegal lane change or turn                          X 2 =
                 Following too closely                                         X 2 =
                 Traffic signal offenses                                       X 2 =
                 Failure to yield                                              X 1 =
                 Failure to signal                                             X 1 =
                 Operating a defective vehicle                                 X 1 =
                 Other                                                         X 1 =
                                                                 MVR Score Subtotal:
            3 Pt adjustment made if no violations within last 3   Adjustment:
            years (potential employees only)
            Other issues with Record:

                                                                         TOTAL SCORE:
                                                   Total Scores are:
                                                       10 or more         Unacceptable
                                                          7 – 9            Questionable
                                                          4 – 6              Marginal
                                                          0 – 3             Acceptable

            Reviewer:                                                       Date:
            Notification:                                                   Date:

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