Page 215 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
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            Section 1200.001Computer Usage

               A.  No  one  shall  use  any  Augusta,  Georgia  computer  or  network  facility  without  proper
                   authorization. No one shall assist in, encourage, or conceal from authorities any unauthorized
                   use, or attempt at unauthorized use, of any of the Augusta, Georgia's computers or network
                   1.  Computers and networks are just like any other Augusta, Georgia facilities - they are to
                       be used only by people who have permission. Using a computer without permission is
                       theft of services and is illegal under state and federal laws. In addition, the following
                       specific computer crimes are defined by state law (Ga. Code 16-9-90 et seq.):
                       a.  Computer theft: (including theft of computer services, intellectual property such as
                          copyrighted material, and any other property);
                       b.  Computer trespass: (unauthorized use of computers to delete or alter data or interfere
                          with others' usage);
                       c.  Computer invasion of privacy: (unauthorized access to financial or personal data or
                          the like);
                       d.  Computer forgery: (forgery as defined by other laws, but committed on a computer
                          rather than on paper);
                       e.  Computer password disclosure: (unauthorized disclosure of a password resulting in
                          damages  exceeding  $500  -  in  practice;  this  includes  any  disclosure  that  requires  a
                          system security audit afterward);
                       f.  Misleading  transmittal  of  names  or  trademarks:  (falsely  identifying  yourself  or
                          falsely claiming to speak for a person or organization by using their name, trademark,
                          logo, or seal, Ga. Code 16-9-93.1).
                          i.  Maximum penalties for the first four crimes in the list are a $50,000 fine and 15
                              years of imprisonment, plus civil liability. The maximum penalties for computer
                              password  disclosure  are  a  $5,000  fine  and  1  year  of  imprisonment,  plus  civil
               B.  No one shall knowingly endanger the security of any Augusta, Georgia computer or network
                   facility, nor willfully interfere with others' authorized computer usage.
                   1.  Many  of  the  other  regulations  given  here  deal  with  specific  acts  of  this  kind.  These
                       regulations are not all inclusive and you should not assume that other malicious acts or
                       deliberate  security  violations  are  permissible  merely  because  there  is  no  specific  rule
                       against them.
               C.  No one shall use the Augusta, Georgia's communication facilities to attempt unauthorized use,
                   nor to interfere with others' legitimate use, of any computer or network facility anywhere.
                   1.  State and federal laws forbid malicious disruption of computers. Augusta, Georgia does
                       not  tolerate  individuals  who  invade  others'  privacy,  steal  computer  services,  commit
                       misrepresentation or fraud, or attempt to disrupt computers or network facilities for any
                       other purpose, including pranks or jokes.
                   2.  In addition, you should be aware that ability to use a remote computer does not constitute
                       permission. Some computer services are open to the public, and clearly identify themselves
                       as such (examples are anonymous FTP sites and Gopher servers). However, the mere lack
                       of security measures does not mean that a computer is open to anyone who wishes to use
                       it. The same goes for unauthorized use of communication paths, such as remote dial out
                       modems and the like.
               D.   No one shall connect any computer to any of Augusta, Georgia's networks unless it meets
                   technical and security standards set by the Information Technology department.

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