Page 220 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 220

System administrators can advise about what is permitted at any particular site.
                   2.  Only  Augusta,  Georgia  Departments  are  allowed  to  have  pages  hosted  on  Augusta,
                       Georgia's computer systems. Furthermore, only links to other government agencies will be
                       allowed on Augusta, Georgia's web page(s).
                   3.  When you publish something on the World Wide Web, you are putting it before a potential
                       audience  of  millions.  You  have  the  same  responsibilities  as  if  you  were  publishing  a
                       newspaper. If the content is libelous or deceptive, people can sue you, and you can be held
                       personally liable.
                   4.  Since there are laws against distributing obscene material (not just creating it), a link to an
                       obscene web site can be a violation of the law. This is true regardless of the status of the
                       Communications Decency Act or other new laws that specifically mention computers.
                   5.  You are not allowed to view any material that is sexually explicit, obscene, or otherwise
                       offensive. Additionally, the Augusta, Georgia's sexual harassment policy prohibits you
                       from displaying sexually explicit material that interferes with anyone's work or personal
                       performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
                   6.  If you want to reproduce copyrighted pictures, cartoons, or comic strips on your web page,
                       you  must  have  the  copyright  owner's  permission.  It  is  not  sufficient  to  reproduce  the
                       owner's copyright notice; you must actually obtain permission for yourself, just as if you
                       were publishing the same material in a newspaper. Brief textual quotations do not always
                       require permission as long as the source is acknowledged and you are not reproducing a
                       complete work (poem, essay, etc.).
                   7.  You  must  not  accept  payments,  discounts,  or  anything  of  value  in  return  for  placing
                       anything  on  your  web  page.  The  Augusta,  Georgia's  disk  space  and  communication
                       capacity  are  not  yours  to  sell.  This  applies  to  all  computers  directly  connected  to  the
                       Augusta, Georgia's network cables, even if they are privately owned.
               P.  Users shall comply with the regulations and policies of newsgroups, mailing lists, and other
                   public forums through which they disseminate messages.
                   1.  When participating in Usenet newsgroups [?] forums, you must respect their policies and
                       practices, for two reasons:
                       a.  To join these networks, Augusta, Georgia has to agree to abide by their policies. Misuse
                          would endanger Augusta, Georgia’s eligibility to participate.
                       b.  Most of the cost of transmitting any message in a discussion is borne by the sites that
                          receive it, not the site that send it out. Thus, you are the guest of the whole network
                          community, and it is important to abide by policies and practices of the entire network.
                          The most ironclad rule is to respect the announced sub- announced subject each forum
                          and not to post anything off-topic.  Other things that are generally unwelcome include:

                              •  Advertisements  (except  that  many  forums  permit  announcements  that  are
                                 directly relevant to their subject areas)
                              •  Multiple postings of the same material (a general-interest message should go in
                                 one general-interest forum not several specialized ones)
                              •  Questionnaires and other mass solicitations
                              •  Questions that are easily answered by looking in dictionaries, encyclopedias, or
                                 readily available software manuals
                              •  Uninformative  criticisms  of  other  people’s  postings  by  others  should  be
                                 ignored, not discussed.
                              •  Postings that are misspelled, obscurely worded, or TYPED IN ALL CAPITALS
                                 LIKE THIS
                              •  Postings that say “Test message, please ignore” (try out your software when
                                 you actually have something to say, or use a test newsgroup)

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