Page 225 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 225

Class Specifications (Job Descriptions) – The description of each class of position that establishes a
            class title, characteristics of the class, examples of duties, knowledge, skills, abilities required, and
            minimum qualifications for the class.

            Classification - A descriptive designation for a class and all positions of a class.

            Classification Plan - The orderly and systematic arrangement of classes into series and groups.

            Classified Employee - An employee holding a position covered by the Augusta, Georgia Classified

            Classify  -  The  act  of  assigning  a  position  to  the  appropriate  class  in  accordance  with  its  duties,
            responsibilities, and authority.

            Classification Method of Job Evaluation -  Compares jobs on a "whole" job basis.  Predefined class
            descriptions are established for each job and jobs are placed in whichever classification best describes

            Classification  System  -  A  framework  organizations  use  to  arrange  jobs  into  groups  based  on
            similarities of purpose, required skills, duties performed, accountability, work environment and other
            common factors.

            Closed Ended Questionnaire - A structured questionnaire used for job analysis that provides the
            incumbent  with  a  written  set  of  questions  regarding  job  content  that  limits  the  responses  to  a
            predetermined  set  of  answers.  Questions  are  either  behaviorally  based  or  task  based  and  require

            Comparable Worth - A pay concept or policy that calls for comparable pay for jobs that require
            comparable  skills,  effort  and  responsibility  and have  comparable  working  conditions,  even  if  the
            content is different.

            Comp-a-ratio - The ratio of an actual pay rate (numerator) to the midpoint or some other control point
            for the respective pay range (denominator). Compa-ratios are used primarily to compare an individual's
            rate of pay to the mid-point or control point of the range.  A compa-ratio may be calculated  for  an
            individual, a group of people, a department, or an entire organization.

            Compensable Factors - Elements of a job for which the organization is willing to pay.  These are
            used to provide a basis for judging job value to create a job worth hierarchy  (job evaluation).  Factors
            are  usually  measured  in  degrees  and  are  weighted,  based  on  their  pre-determined  value  to  the
            organization.  Typical factors include skills, effort, responsibility, scope of authority, and working

            Competitive Job Vacancy - Positions filled through a competitive process where candidates compete
            based on merit.  These positions may not be pre-selected.

            Compensation - The salary or wage rates for work performed.

            Compensation  Plan  -  The  combination  of  the  Classification  Plan,  the  Pay  Plan  and  the  Salary
            Administration procedures.

            Compensatory Leave - Time off from work in lieu of monetary payment.

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