Page 229 - Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
P. 229

Intrinsic Rewards - Rewards that are associated with the job itself, such as the opportunity to perform
            meaningful work, complete cycles of work, see finished products, experience variety, and receive
            feedback on work results.

            Job - The total collection of tasks, duties, and responsibilities assigned to one or more positions which
            require work of the same nature and level.

            Job  Analysis  -  The  systematic,  formal  study  of  the  duties  and  responsibilities  that  comprise  job
            content.  The process seeks to obtain important and relevant information about the nature and level of
            the work performed and the specifications required for an incumbent to perform the job at a competent

            Job Description - A summary of the most important features of a job, including the general nature of
            the work performed (duties and responsibilities) and level (i.e., skill, effort, responsibility and working
            conditions) of the work performed.  It typically includes job specifications that include employee
            characteristics required for competent performance of the job.  A job description should describe and
            focus on the job itself and not on any specific individual who might fill the job.

            Job Design - The process of organizing work into the tasks required to perform a specific job.

            Job Evaluation - A formal process by which management creates a job worth hierarchy,  within an
            organization.  The two basic approaches are the market data approach and the job content approach.

            Job Family - A group of jobs having the same nature of work (e.g., engineering) but requiring different
            levels of skill, effort, responsibility, or working conditions (e.g., entry-level vs. senior engineer).

            Job Grade - One of the classes, levels or groups into which jobs of the same or similar value are
            grouped for compensation purposes.  Usually, all jobs in a grade have the same pay range.  However,
            sometimes different jobs in the same pay grade have different pay ranges, due to market conditions
            for some of the jobs.

            Job Code - A referencing code that reference Augusta, Georgia’s referencing class specification to
            which our job class is associated.

            Job  Slotting  -  Review  and  evaluation  of  a  job,  its  duties  and  its  tasks  against  other  similar/like
            positions already in place in an organization in an effort to appropriately position the job in the proper
            Career Family, Career Band, Job Role, and Contribution level.

            Job Specifications - A section of the job description that defines what worker characteristics (i.e., the
            knowledge, skills and abilities) are required to perform the job for it to be carried out competently.
            These characteristics must be bona-fide occupational qualifications (BFOQs).

            Job Title - Label used to describe a set of specific activities, responsibilities, duties and tasks

            Job  Worth  Hierarchy  -  The  perceived  value  of  jobs  in  relationship  to  each  other  within  an
            organization.  The  job  worth  hierarchy  forms  the  basis  for  grouping  similar  jobs  together  and
            establishing salary ranges.

            Knowledge-based Pay - A system of salary differentiation based on the formal education, related
            experience or specialized training a professional employee has that qualifies the individual to deal with

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