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on job evaluation techniques.  The process assumes that years in the profession equate with more
            highly valued competencies.

            Medical Review Officer-  A licensed physician (medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy) responsible
            for  reviewing  laboratory  results  generated  by  the  Drug  Testing  program,  who  has  knowledge  of
            substance abuse disorders and has appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an individual's
            positive  test  result  together  with  his  or  her  medical  history  and  any  other  relevant  biomedical
            information. A test result will not be deemed positive for the purpose of disciplinary action until ruled
            positive by the Medical Review Officer (MRO).

            Merit Increase - An increase to an individual's base pay rate based on performance.

            Merit Rating - A method for appraising the performance of an employee with respect to his or her
            job.  It  frequently  serves  as  a  basis  for  making  pay  adjustments,  promotion  decisions,  or  work

            Midpoint - The salary that represents the middle of a given salary range or pay grade.

            Midpoint Progression - The difference in  wage rates paid between two adjacent grades, usually
            defined as the difference in the midpoints of the two adjacent grades.  A midpoint progression is
            calculated by taking the difference between two adjacent midpoints as a percentage of the lower of the

            Non-classified Employee – An employee (usually of an elected official or independent board or
            authority) who holds a position that is not covered by the Augusta, Georgia Classified Service.

            Non-exempt - Defined as employment which does meet the provisions of the federal Fair Labor
            Standards Act (FLSA) allowing for payment of overtime work by hourly employees.

            Non-quantitative Job Evaluation - A method that creates job worth hierarchy based on the perceived
            value of the "whole job," but does not utilize quantitative methods.  Examples include classification,
            ranking, and slotting.

            Occupation - Generalized job or family of jobs.

            On-call Pay - A nominal amount of compensation provided in return for an employee being available
            to report to work at employer's discretion.  Because the employee is expected to be easily reachable
            and able to report to the work site on short notice, he or she is compensated for having restricted
            personal time.

            Overtime - Time worked in excess of the regular work schedule for the position in accordance with
            the Fair Labor Standards Act. Overtime is defined as all hours in excess of 40 hours in a workweek,
            excluding  any  vacation,  sick  leave,  or  funeral  leave  taken  during  that  week.  For  certain  Law
            Enforcement and Fire Protection personnel, "Overtime" and "Work Period" are defined differently
            pursuant to the 7(k) exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

            Paired Comparison - A ranking technique that compares each job being evaluated individually to
            every other job in a pair-wise fashion to determine which job has a higher value.  Ranks of jobs are
            created which can then be pegged to the market via benchmark jobs.
            Part-time Employee - An employee who works on a continuing basis, but does less than a regular
            work schedule. Employees in this class are not eligible for any employee benefits.

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