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specific subject matter, or work effectively in a specific field.  Salary level may not be dependent on
            whether the incumbent utilizes the knowledge.

            KSA (Knowledge, skills, and abilities) - Common job specifications.  Knowledge refers to acquired
            information  necessary  to  do  the  job  (e.g.,  principles  of  nuclear  physics).  Skills  refer  to  acquired
            measurable behaviors (e.g., autoclave operation). Abilities refer to natural talents or acquired dexterity
            (e.g., capacity to lift 200 pounds).

            Labor Demand - The highest wage an employer is willing to pay for a given level of employment or
            number of employees.

            Labor Market - A place where labor is exchanged for wages.  These places are identified and defined
            by a combination of the following factors -  (1) geography (i.e., local, regional, national, international),
            (2) industry, (3) education, licensing or certification and (4) function or occupation.

            Lateral Transfer - A permanent transfer of an employee in one salary grade to a relatively equal
            salary grade. “Relatively equal” is defined as a change in the new salary range maximum of plus/minus
            less than five percent.

            Lay-Off - The separation of an employee from the classified service due to lack of work, lack of funds,
            abolishment of a position, economic reduction, or other material changes in duties or organization, as
            approved by the Augusta, Georgia Commission.

            Lead or Lag Policy - Match, follow or exceed the market when adjusting pay structures. For example,
            an organization may adopt a “Lead Pay Policy” to attract the best qualified candidates and/or retain
            top performers.

            Leave - An approved type of absence from work as provided for by these Policies and Procedures.

            Limited  Term  Appointment-  An  appointment  to  a  classified  position,  the  duration  of  which  is
            determined by a contract or grant.  Benefits are determined by the provision of the agreement.

            Lump-sum Increase - Any increase in pay that is made in the form of a single cash payment.  The
            most common form is the lump-sum merit.

            Market - The area from which applicants are to be recruited.  The combination of Career Family,
            Career Band, Job Type/Role, and Contribution Level provides a link to labor market compensation,
            when the market criteria contribute to the defined Career Family framework.

            Market  Adjustment  -  The  percentage  increase  to  organization,  group  or  individual  pay  that  is
            necessary to adjust it to the estimated market level.

            Market Reference Point - Compensation philosophy in which an organization chooses to benchmark
            to a percentile of the market in order to compensate positions within the organization.

            Market Pricing - The technique of creating a job worth hierarchy based on the "going rate" for
            benchmark jobs in the labor market(s) relevant to the organization.  Non-benchmark jobs are slotted
            into the structure based on whole job comparison.

            Maturity Curve - A process of determining employees' salaries as a function of years from the time
            of the first degree earned.  Maturity curves are most commonly used for pricing jobs in lieu of relying

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